EvaLuna2006-10-30 18:41:36

周末在这里才贴了他的歌,忍不住,提起笔再写。如Kurt Cobain这样脆弱敏感的灵魂,说到底,是不能久落凡尘的。他不是疯狂的摇滚歌者,而是捂着胸膛踉跄的诗人。对这个擦肩而过的世界,遗书里,他一再抱歉。可是啊,他何曾负过世人?他的音乐,给予我们机会,在埋着头,苟延营生的同时,偶尔挺身,作短暂思索。而我们,在他喷涌热血的呐喊,肝脑涂地的奉献里,真正理解并动容的又有多少?

常常在想,要具备怎样坚强的意志,一个人才能在寂寞中独行;才能穿梭在莺歌燕舞的人群时,不感孤独和冷落?Kurt Corbain在声名鹊起的时候,选择继续做一个清醒的思考者。对世人,他那颗大悲大悯之心,因着太彻骨的爱,而感受最深切的悲哀。

在人们的嘻闹声中,他是含着泪,在清冷的月光下,歌唱着吧:人们啊,我爱你们,我爱你们的全部,所有浅薄,无知和丑陋;我看得清楚,你们的,我的,那来路和归途;我不被接纳,我无法融入,但我并无抱怨,并想真诚道声抱歉。世人啊,正因如此,请在阳光下,将我快乐地埋葬吧。知道吗?It’s better to burn out than to fade away!

All Apologies (Kurt Cobain/Nirvana)

What else should I be
All apologies
What else should I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
I'm married
I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn with freezer burn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy
All in all is all we are

磨坊小札2006-10-31 02:00:26
谢EVA, 你把十么都说了, 磨坊只能说, 懂你..........