EvaLuna2006-11-10 16:38:59
哈哈哈,大伙心里都淌着岩浆呢,只是小小心心用石块压住了。这两首歌唏沥哗啦,把石块全冲垮啦(厉害,押韵啊:-)) 。整理各位答案如下,兼贴上俺个人学习体会。深深鞠个长躬,感谢!各位辛苦了。




这两首放到一起比较,对第一首不公平。。因为我本人最喜欢classic rock. 下面具体分析:



第二首,那就不同了。音乐一起来就感觉乐呵呵的,Mick Jagger 那种贴近现实的痞劲最能感染人. 这首歌包含多种音乐元素,classic rock总是有浓郁的布鲁斯味,吉他,电风琴加上stones的歌里常能听到Gosple风格的伴唱,令人经不住摇摆起来。这种在音乐里自我膨胀,从而忘记痛苦记忆的感觉,是第一首无论如何也达不到的。


first of all 我是U2 fan,尽管不少人都说他 overrated :)))

1st one is not one of the best U2 songs. maybe one of the more personal ones,很动情,teach u how to be a grownup, 非常喜欢bono的嗓音。第二首是rolling stones at their f**king finest,那么多不同的乐器搞到一起,木琴和choir都上了, unbelievable! great lyrics too. You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you might get what you need. 子弹is right, its not fair to compare them two.

btw, who the heck is jimmy? jimi hendrix?


I have never listened to both songs before. So my opinion is at least not biased because I knew one of the songs.

I feel that both are great songs, both has the power to create currents in me, and both make me feel that I want to scream with it. But I must say that I was moved more by the U2 one. I found that the music in U2 is more actively leading my feeling, so that when it is time to scream, my soul is ready to scream with the singer. While for the blues, it is not so. However, the singer’s scream is so natural and great so that it makes me feel that I want to cream with him too the second time when him singing. You see the difference? :)))).

Second the U2 one has the power to make me cry, especially when he sang

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

That long scream is thorough. In fact it is so thorough so that 你身上每一根汉毛孔,每一个分子都想cry with him, cry out 所有的无奈,所有的委曲,所有的压抑!In fact you want to cry with him the whole song (note: did you hear his 泣不成声towards the end of the song?). (Now I act like a kid ha.) On the contrary, the blues is a kind of 压抑except one or two screams (and I must say that they are really, really go screams! – e.g., the one hysteric scream after the first “oooh”). You may want to argue that the blues is for a more mature person because of this压抑, but I think that in music I’d rather not 压抑 at all. Do we not have enough 压抑 already in real life? In music, I want to feel - the pure feeling, to express thoroughly and freely without any 压抑!!!!

Another last note, I think the quality of the mp3 for the U2 is better because I discovered that it is more moving if I listen to it with better equipment.

My feeling develops so naturally with the music and the song in U2, but it is not quite so in the blues.



第二首是rolling stones录于60年代末的老歌。配乐相当独特,让人意想不到的惊喜。开头小号?让俺心尖颤悠!尤其是中段的变化,用了和声。那个象摇药瓶声音的是哪门子的乐器?知道的告诉一声啊。结尾生华,很宏大的感觉。粗哑声线很符合内容及风格。歌词有强烈的画面感,隐在简单粗糙故事后面的人生哲学:You can’t get what you want ,but if you try sometimes, you may get your need。回答圣牛的问题:who the heck is Jimmy? 查了一下,应该是Jimmy Miller, 当时乐队的producer。

更年轻些的时候,狂喜欢这种类型的rock,颓废中的激情。当然摇滚并非年轻人的专利,但现在看Mick Ragger一脸沧桑,还披挂着叮当作响的嘻皮衣裳,总感觉有点心酸。Rolling stones的I can’t get no satisfaction 在流行音乐史上留下重要记号。作为60年代初的老乐队,一直保有这样蓬勃旺盛的青春,很是敬佩,是die hard,硬骨头到底的真正rocker!

注:觉得rolling stones有些歌词有轻视女性的嫌疑啊,颇有些hard rock band存在此问题。是俺神经过敏还是咋的?这里的妹妹们觉得呢?摇滚出男子汉的气概,并不一定需要以对女性的不屑为代价吧 :-)

另一首是U2的2006 Grammy最佳单曲,出自最佳专辑,俺们这儿的原子弹呢?坐稳了再加层壳啊,“how to dismantle an atomic bomb” 。电视上看了颁奖,是Bono献给过世父亲的歌,感情凝重穿透力是没的说。配乐变化繁杂,很现代,很有气势,但并不让人耳目一新。嗓音变化也多,如俺们幸存原子弹所说。歌词有点说教气,是俺以前最恨的,但现在听来倒也算语重心长。后段的配乐有前浪推后浪之感。感觉U2整体风格属於在rock and pop间来回游走,有些歌还带了些政治色彩。这首我觉得更接近pop。


这两首歌谨献给普天下的男同胞们!You can’t always get what you want! Sometimes you can’t make it on your own!


You can’t always get what you want! (Rolling stones)

Sometime you can’t make it on your own. (U2)

绿色和平原子弹2006-11-10 16:44:29
EvaLuna2006-11-10 16:56:46
那个and = & 是跟磨坊学的,早摩拳霍霍想试一把了 :-)
lili~2006-11-10 16:58:50
EvaLuna,你真有趣:)谢你精彩的总结!very impressive!
EvaLuna2006-11-10 17:06:09
多美的夸奖啊!自豪一把:I am funny!:-) 谢谢妹妹!
罂粟花2006-11-10 17:07:21
^_*2006-11-10 17:21:49
EvaLuna2006-11-10 17:33:14
绿色和平原子弹2006-11-10 17:42:20
肖蔚为2006-11-10 17:45:31
Sometime you can’t make it on your own!比如灌水!
书童2006-11-10 17:46:35
磨坊小札2006-11-10 17:58:45
那个& 是跟猫猫学的,磨坊的好东西在这里^____^
EvaLuna2006-11-10 18:43:43
磨坊妹妹:俺被置顶啦!这个& 东东真管用啊!& 俺手舞足蹈中
圣牛2006-11-10 19:04:41
lili~2006-11-10 19:22:52
绿色和平原子弹2006-11-10 20:05:28
心不老2006-11-10 21:26:30
Thanks! Was a fun game! Glad to know that my ear's ok:)
梦一生2006-11-11 06:19:18
梦一生2006-11-12 03:44:30
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