EvaLuna2006-11-17 16:26:46
绿色和平原子弹2006-11-17 16:48:45
Import the mp3 files into your iTunes library
EvaLuna2006-11-17 17:14:36
that's my question, man! how?!
EvaLuna2006-11-17 17:26:47
可以拖过去,但进不了IPOD。Steve Jobs 真狠啊,当初白崇拜了!
圣牛2006-11-17 18:17:49
bypass2006-11-17 18:33:05
有人给过这个. 你用 ipod 在这查询一下看有否你要的.
TyHongAu2006-11-17 20:50:22
Plug your ipod to UBS of your computer. All new songs will be au
TyHongAu2006-11-17 20:56:40
回复:Plug your ipod to UBS of your computer. All new songs will