北美女人花2006-11-20 00:23:39

It was a rainy night When he came into sight Standing by the road, No umbrella, no coat. So I pulled up alongside And I offered him a ride He accepted with a smile So we drove for a while I didn’t ask him his name This lonely boy in the rain Fate, tell me its right Is this love at first sight? Please don’t make it wrong Just stay for the night All I wanna do is make love to you Say you will You want me too All I wanna do is make love to you I’ve got loving arms to hold on to So we found this hotel It was a place I knew well We made magic that night Oh, he did everything right He brought the woman out of me So many times, easily And in the morning when he woke all I left him was a note I told him I am the flower you are the seed We walked in the garden We planted a tree Don’t try to find me Please don’t you dare Just live in my memory You’ll always be there All I wanna do is make love to you One night of love was all we knew. Oh, oooh, we made love Love like strangers All night long We made love Then it happened one day We came round the same way You can imagine his surprise When he saw his own eyes I said please, please understand I’m in love with another man And what he couldn’t give me Was the one little thing that you can All I wanna do is make love to you Say you will, you want me too All night long

那是一个下着雨的夜晚 ,当我的视线触到他的身影 ,他正站在路边 。没有拿伞 ,也没有雨衣 ,于是我把车停到他身边,想给他一趟方便 。他微笑着接受了我的好意 ,我们驾着车子逗了一圈 。我没有问他的名字 ,这个雨中出现的男孩 ,我看到他孤独的双眼 。像是一见钟情的爱 ,把我的心纠缠 。我只要你留下, 陪我度过今晚。我现在想要的就是和你一起做爱 ,告诉我你也要 ,你要和我一样激情无限 。我想要那可以倚靠的臂膀 ,我们找到了一间我熟悉的旅馆。那天夜里,我们创造了奇迹 。噢……他每一个动作都那样完美,他让我觉得自己是一个真正的女人 ,他轻易的,一次次把我带入顶端。。。早晨他醒来的时候,只看到我留给他的一封短笺。我告诉他 ,我是花儿他是种子 ,我们一起在花园里漫步游玩 ,我们一起种了一棵树留作纪念。请不要试图寻找我 ,千万不要 ,我只要你活在我的记忆中,你会留在那儿直到永远 。。。我想要的只是和你一起做爱 ,一夜的爱,就是我们之间的缘。我们的爱 ,好像陌生人一般 ,漫长的一夜啊,我们激情无限。突然有一天 ,我们在街上不期遇见。你可以想象他的惊喜 ,当他再次对视雨夜中的双眼。我对他说 ,请你千万要明白 ,另一个男人才是我挚爱的侣伴。可是他却不能给我 ,像你带给我的那种激情无限。我想要的只是和你一起做爱 ,一夜的爱,就是我们之间的缘。我想要的只是和你一起做爱 ,告诉我,你也想要我风情难掩。我想要的只是和你一起做爱 ,一夜的爱,就是我们之间的缘。我想要的只是和你一起做爱 ,你也想要我的 ,漫漫长夜,你我同枕共眠。

北美女人花2006-11-20 00:24:39
非常酷2006-11-20 00:39:53
中央音乐学院教授2006-11-20 00:42:20
快递里男的儒雅,女的矜持; 料不会有很多人跟贴, 哈哈哈:-)
北美女人花2006-11-20 00:55:40
夕阳箫2006-11-20 01:55:59
johnz0022006-11-20 02:31:36
心脏弱者慎入, 带着氧气瓶来听。
lli_go2006-11-20 02:39:16
小z 好. 手上的咖哩味洗净了吗?
Sweetlife2006-11-20 02:40:28
8 错! 赞一下!
johnz0022006-11-20 04:24:28
not yet. Thank you for asking. Good night.
@^_^@2006-11-20 04:38:22
支持,请继续! 谢谢!
望月明2006-11-20 06:16:23
秋凉如我心2006-11-20 06:57:08
:)samHu(:2006-11-20 18:05:53
longlast2006-11-21 02:25:42
还有一曲Alone from Heart's Greatest Hits. I like it - one night
longlast2006-11-21 02:28:11
stand. 喜欢的人难得心里还有激情!
cpcjustin2006-11-21 06:40:08
terrific!what is the singer's name?please.