EvaLuna2006-11-20 16:43:37

Count on me! 感动!俺是逃兵,也没谁敢指望过俺,知道自个底细,所有这话俺从来不说,呵呵!


Count on me

You came from out of nowhere
Where will you go ?
It seems you´ve always been there
What do we know ?
You´ve put your life in our hands
Will we ever know why
You´re so pure , you just say what you´re thinking
You make everything so deep

In your smile, in your eyes
I can see so much of my life
Let your dreams always lead
I´ll be there for you whenever you need
Count on me

When you´re weary and troubled
And when all their rules try to put you down
Keep your head always high and don´t care what they say
Be yourself and ignore what they´re thinking
The most beautiful souls sometimes bleed

In your smile, in your eyes
I can see so much of my life
Let your dreams always lead
I´ll be there for you whenever you need
Count on me

They will shake you
Try to break you
But i know that they´ll never succeed
Cause you are strong
Yes you´re so strong

In your smile, in your eyes
I can see so much of my life
Let your dreams always lead
I´ll be there for you whenever you need
Count on me
Count on me
Count on me

Fools Garden --->ready for the real life---->count on me

七品带砖护卫2006-11-20 16:51:33
EvaLuna2006-11-20 17:02:24
EvaLuna2006-11-20 17:09:45
邻家小丫2006-11-20 17:21:40
lili~2006-11-20 17:22:38
EvaLuna2006-11-20 17:40:37
闲云孤鹤2006-11-20 17:44:12
能听见.别踹机子呀,脚怪疼的. 掏掏耳朵就好了
EvaLuna2006-11-20 17:57:02
i have been fighting with my stupid computer for days!!!
lili~2006-11-20 18:14:53
心不老2006-11-20 18:26:50
So supprised that such a great song I've never heard of!:))
书童2006-11-20 18:29:23
心不老2006-11-20 18:32:14
The most beautiful song sometimes bleed......
EvaLuna2006-11-20 18:34:20
心不老2006-11-20 18:51:40
绿色和平原子弹2006-11-20 19:25:39
looks like you are owned
绿色和平原子弹2006-11-20 19:30:43
曾一度指望你施美人计 迷惑B组某些活跃分子
七品带砖护卫2006-11-20 19:36:19
邻家小丫2006-11-20 20:21:01
圣牛2006-11-20 20:48:44
七品带砖护卫2006-11-20 21:02:42
估计你用的播放器是用的realone,你转换成media player就行.
lili~2006-11-20 23:22:04