weston2006-12-09 03:41:41
He's from a distinguished music family, his father was the 1st black opera singer at the MET. He himself is an accomplished pianist and conductor, in addition to his cross-over composition and performance. Enjoy!

邻家小丫2006-12-09 03:58:21
远芳阑珊2006-12-09 04:25:44
名副其实,另类的奇才 !谢weston 分享。
johnz0022006-12-09 04:58:07
"这个好玩,稀罕.稀饭." 看这回贴俺差一点儿喷饭.
weston2006-12-09 05:17:27
Unix 玩家大概会认识
weston2006-12-09 05:18:43
:). will post more tomorrow.
书童2006-12-09 06:09:40
weston2006-12-09 07:06:49
心不老2006-12-09 07:34:54
Wow! Ding 1 ge!