weston2007-01-15 17:31:16

He performed this in 1970 with one day's notice, because Michelangeli cancelled his appearance.
The last time he performed it was in 1966, to record with Stokowski.  Gould's music memory is just phenomenal. As a matter of fact, he could recite multiplcation table for 3-4 digits. His extraodinary memory plus his odd behavior led people think he suffered from Asperger syndrome that is related to autism.

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•  Youtube can be a royal pain
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tyhongau2007-01-15 17:53:01
书童2007-01-15 18:02:32
发个响2007-01-15 19:15:26
箫笛2007-01-15 19:40:59
一程歌2007-01-15 20:28:11
weston兄好贴不断, 接着顶!
weston2007-01-15 22:23:48
"肃然起敬", 颇有同感。
weston2007-01-15 22:26:00
weston2007-01-15 22:27:37
这 list 好, 再谢!
lli_go2007-01-15 23:41:26
谢分享 贝多芬 的作品.
jerryus2007-01-16 00:43:30
bosanova2007-01-16 01:00:37
truly great, although sounds more Gould than Bethoven to me
weston2007-01-16 03:09:51
Gould played his interpretation of Beethoven.
bosanova2007-01-16 06:00:31
I am no pianist but Gould's signature crisp and staccato
weston2007-01-16 06:45:04
No worry, I enjoy having a dialogue. Back to the topic,