winking2007-02-04 21:41:22

Fletcher Sibthorp

Christine Comyn - On the Threshold

Fletcher Sibthorp - Dancing Dress

Fletcher Sibthorp - The Sorceresses

Christine Comyn - Reclining

Fletcher Sibthorp - Hidden Faces

Christine Comyn - Unbearable Lightness

Fletcher Sibthorp - Lilac

Fletcher Sibthorp - Cerulean

Christine Comyn - Golden Dress

Christine Comyn - Rehersal II

Christine Comyn - Captivity

Fletcher Sibthorp - Steps

Christine Comyn - Beyond Beauty

Christine Comyn - Soft Silhouette

Christine Comyn - Good Morning

Fletcher Sibthorp - El Fuego

Christine Comyn - Dawn

Christine Comyn - Rehersal I

Fletcher Sibthorp - Colour Study for Black on Black

Fletcher Sibthorp - Bailadora y Caballo

Fletcher Sibthorp - Study In Yellow

Christine Comyn - Coral
Flamenco Study
Study for Naciente II (b/w) by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for Naciente II
Study for The Stripe by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for The Stripe
White on Black Study by Fletcher Sipthorp
White on Black Study
A Bright Red Kimono by Fletcher Sipthorp
A Bright Red Kimono
Bailarina en Negro Study by Fletcher Sipthorp
Bailarina en Negro Study
Ballet Rambert (Two Studies) by Fletcher Sipthorp
Ballet Rambert (Two Studies)
Blue Shadows by Fletcher Sipthorp
Blue Shadows
Chastity by Fletcher Sipthorp
Colour Study for Dancing Dress by Fletcher Sipthorp
Colour Study for Dancing Dress
Colour Study for White on Black by Fletcher Sipthorp
Colour Study for White on Black
Dancing Dress by Fletcher Sipthorp
Dancing Dress
Dancing Hands by Fletcher Sipthorp
Dancing Hands
El Fuego by Fletcher Sipthorp
El Fuego
Flamenco Dancer on Red by Fletcher Sipthorp
Flamenco Dancer on Red
La Llama (The Flame) by Fletcher Sipthorp
La Llama (The Flame)
Lilac (A Study) by Fletcher Sipthorp
Magenta by Fletcher Sipthorp
Neon by Fletcher Sipthorp
Scarlet by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for Arched Back by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for Arched Back
Study for De Las Sombras by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for De Las Sombras
Study for Flamenco Gold II by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study for Flamenco Gold II
Study in Yellow by Fletcher Sipthorp
Study in Yellow
The Stripe by Fletcher Sipthorp
The Stripe
The Temptress by Fletcher Sipthorp
The Temptress

Fletcher Sibthorp

Since their release last September,
Fletcher's "A Passion For Dance"
series has proved extreemly popular.
Several are already sold out from the publisher.
De Las Sombres sold through to the galleries within a month!

Christine Comyn

Christine Comyn demonstrated a natural aptitude for
painting and drawing at a very young age  and refined her
artistic talents at the Saint-Luke Academy in Ghent (Belgium).
In 1981 she became an instructor
at the Academy of Modern Art in Tielt until 1997.
Charles Aznavour - Isabelle

Depuis longtemps mon c┇ur/ Etait à la retraite
Et ne pensait jamais/ Devoir se réveiller
Mais au son de ta voix/ J"ai relevé la tête
Et l"amour m"a repris/ Avant que d"y penser

Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle
Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle mon amour

Comme on passe le doigt/ Entre l"arbre et l"écorce
L"amour s"est infiltré/ S"est glissé sous ma peau
Avec tant d"insistance/ Et avec tant de force
Que je n"ai plus depuis/ Ni calme ni repos

Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle
Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle mon amour

Les heures près de toi/ Fuient comme des secondes
Les journées loin de toi/ Ressemblent à des années
Qui donnent à mon amour/ Un goût de fin du monde
Elles troublent mon corps/ Autant que ma pensée

Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle
Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle mon amour

Tu vis dans la lumière/ Et moi dans les coins sombres
Car tu te meurs de vivre/ Et je me meurs d"amour
Je me contenterais/ De caresser ton ombre
Si tu voulais m"offrir/ Ton destin pour toujours

Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle
Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle mon amour

•  人物3
•  人物2
•  人物1
•  小资女3
•  美丽的小鸟
书童2007-02-05 00:54:53
共个鸣2007-02-05 03:01:08
Charles Aznavour 的声音很有魅力,可惜没找到歌词的英文 (图)
EvaLuna2007-02-05 15:43:51
Jeff Williamswinking   2007-02-04 21:40:45经典老电影乐曲: 晓艺--《电影之歌》xueyou   2007-02-04 21:36:03Meditation of Thais 小提琴+芭蕾舞记忆的深沉   2007-02-04 21:08:32在那遥远的地方。。。秋凉如我心   2007-02-04 20:06:50愿猫猫拥有快乐每一天!!!知名者不具   2007-02-04 19:45:02Starry Night(Good in blue)附好玩的代码^_*   2007-02-04 19:44:53【更重大危机】A Rush of Blood to the Head, how to find?!!!EvaLuna   2007-02-04 19:22:44这个新人的风格不错啊,听听~~~8848   2007-02-04 19:08:08【歌剧入门】一个幸福的日子 from 茶花女nes@dorma   2007-02-04 18:57:45点击直接能放出来的歌曲如何下载呢。谢谢。TUESDAYNOV   2007-02-04 18:55:38
Fletcher Sibthorp & Christine Comynwinking   2007-02-04 21:41:22Jeff Williamswinking   2007-02-04 21:40:4530个MV测试贴,还请教高手如何消掉MediaPlayerwinking   2007-01-13 23:44:26漂亮的小狗winking   2006-10-02 02:03:12