林贝卡2007-02-09 09:46:03

Aka Madame Lecoeur and her children 1870 By Pierre Auguste Renoir.


今天早上起来,打开悄悄话,看到你送给我的【爱的真谛】,听着【Return To The Heart】,我的泪水在不停地流。。。。。。我感动的无语。

虽然与你相识不久,可是你的温馨和敏感,如丝丝春风,沁入我的心灵;你的爱心和善良,似天边的彩云,慰藉我的灵魂;你的音乐和文字, 清新而淡雅,常引起我的共鸣。

认识你,是我的荣幸。送给你这首我非常喜欢的【间奏曲 ♪From 乡村骑士♪】,作为对你的答谢,但愿你喜欢。子初,对不起,笨拙的我,不会做精美的帖子。




To My Momi

My mom is really nice,
She is also very fair,
No matter what will happen,
My mom will always care.

My mom makes me laugh,
‘Cause she’s very funny,
She is pretty interesting,
And she really loves me.

My Mom is very thoughtful,
She teaches me lots of stuff,
But I don’t always listen,
So my mom thinks it’s tough.

My mom controls her temper,
She knows a lot of stuff,
My mother likes to play with me,
She never plays rough.

My mom’s a great person,
So I want to say,
I want you to have,
A Happy Mother’s Day!

•  风中的承诺
•  一百部名著 一百句名言
•  爱的真谛
•  化蝶
•  难忘今宵
林贝卡2007-02-09 10:00:42
【间奏曲 From 乡村骑士】简介和下载均来自nes,感谢你。
uh-oh2007-02-09 13:16:34
cb8082007-02-09 14:03:15
Thanks. Good morning, Rebacca.
子初2007-02-09 16:38:22
圣牛2007-02-09 16:50:22
real nice!
lili~2007-02-09 17:27:39
nice post~!喜欢!问好贝卡姐~!
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:36:11
Thank you very much for all your messages. Have a nice weekend.
johnz0022007-02-09 18:46:07
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:51:24
John, thank you very much. Have a nice weekend.
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:51:57
uh-oh, my pleasure.
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:52:35
cb808, have a wonderful weekend.
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:53:11
子初, I am glad to know that you enjoy it.
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:53:55
Thank you.
林贝卡2007-02-09 18:54:36
Little sis lili~, thank you. Have a nice weekend.
圣牛2007-02-09 19:31:52
me too.