子初2007-02-18 18:11:47

A letter from a friend of mine -

A star has 5 ends,
A square has 4 ends,
A triangle has 3 ends,
A line has 2 ends,
A life has one end.

But I hope your happiness has no end.

Wish all of you a very Happy New Year!

•  Happy Chinese New Year
•  祝福满满
•  海,天空,风
•  又到情人节
•  间奏曲 From 乡村骑士
Sweetlife2007-02-18 18:25:22
好曲!好文! 新年好!!!
箫笛2007-02-18 20:48:35
Goodluck2U2007-02-18 20:56:53
Very special :)) Happy New Year 2 U!
肖萧2007-02-18 21:09:12
子初好, 谢你很耐味的新年贴, 喜欢, 特别问好!
子初2007-02-18 22:32:07
子初2007-02-18 22:33:25
Sweetlife: may your life sweeter in the new year!
子初2007-02-18 22:35:36
箫笛: may you have a great year with more wonderful
子初2007-02-18 22:39:09
肖萧: 谢谢你的特别问好, 我的新朋友, KD的老朋友. 祝好!
子初2007-02-18 22:41:00
Goodluck2U: ditto.
lli_go2007-02-18 22:45:14
Happy Chinese New Year !!! 子初吉祥如意!
子初2007-02-18 22:52:05
weston2007-02-18 22:57:33
Autumn2007-02-18 23:22:46
子初2007-02-18 23:25:15
Autumn: 新年快乐2u2!
子初2007-02-18 23:29:59
Weston: look forward to seeing more of your
lili~2007-02-18 23:49:36
johnz0022007-02-19 00:22:08
Happy New Year to -子初- !
子初2007-02-19 00:33:08
子初2007-02-19 00:34:32
johnz: Happy Hapy New Chinese Year!
记忆的深沉2007-02-19 01:03:43
:)samHu(:2007-02-19 01:43:39
Happy Chinese New Year to 子初 !!!
@^_^@2007-02-19 02:19:48
Happy Chinese New Year and All the best,子初 !!!
林贝卡2007-02-19 04:23:06
Happy Chinese New Year to 子初.
书童2007-02-19 07:37:47
Happy Chinese New Year 子初!!!
老东升2007-02-20 20:02:55