子初2007-06-17 07:30:55


This is My First Father's Day Without father

The song "Dance with my father"
reminds me of many precious moments with my dear father.
He was the one taught me how to dance.
I will always remember the days
we danced together ,and how much I enjoyed it.

Dear Dad
you are always in my heart, my soul.
I pray that I can see you
in my dreams so I can dance with you again.
May you rest in peace in the company of the Angels.
Dear Dad
I love you always ...

"You mean so very much to me,
And I want you to know
That you are always in my heart,
No matter where I go.

You're always giving, always there
To help in any way;
The loving things you've done for me,
I never could repay.

I can't imagine what I'd do
Without the love you give.
I'll treasure your sweet heart of gold
As long as I shall live."


to all fathers out there

•  没有父亲的父亲节
•  父亲节由来
•  世界十大被淹没的奇迹
•  席幕容抒情浪漫诗 - 《抉择》
•  【音乐诗话-如歌的行板】- by Autumn
子初2007-06-17 07:35:39
Happy Father's Day - to all fathers out there!
Autumn2007-06-17 07:38:52
子初2007-06-17 07:40:16
Thank you Autumn, appreciate your post very much
微笑的鱼2007-06-17 07:43:02
子初2007-06-17 07:46:20
好高兴鱼儿喜欢, 也谢谢鱼儿的美妙歌声.
箫笛2007-06-17 07:48:03
子初2007-06-17 07:49:21
微笑的鱼2007-06-17 07:50:27
回复:好高兴鱼儿喜欢, 也谢谢鱼儿的美妙歌声.
子初2007-06-17 07:54:42
回复:回复:好高兴鱼儿喜欢, 也谢谢鱼儿的美妙歌声.
*小雪*2007-06-17 08:08:43
微笑的鱼2007-06-17 08:18:52
回复:回复:回复:好高兴鱼儿喜欢, 也谢谢鱼儿的美妙歌声.
书童2007-06-17 08:39:15
you are always in my heart,No matter where I go.
EvaLuna2007-06-17 15:28:42
you are always in my heart, no matter where u r~~~
water62007-06-17 18:17:17
you are always in my heart,No matter where I go.
磨坊小札2007-06-17 18:36:56
听这首歌总是想起那首last waltz,同样地令人感伤~
肖萧2007-06-17 20:42:46
和子初一起默默地感同身受. 并和你一起同祈祷.., U Take Care!
westhorse2007-06-17 22:19:24
Glider2007-06-18 00:31:46
"催人泪下的歌". Deeply touched. Take good care of yourself!
Glider2007-06-18 00:34:02
"催人泪下的歌". Deeply touched. Take good care of yourself!
花菜菜2007-06-18 04:42:17
喜欢就来拍拍手2007-06-18 08:39:32
@^_^@2007-06-18 09:15:01
Thanks for sharing such a touching post,子初! 抱抱~~
lili~2007-06-18 14:33:17
感人肺腑,催人泪下~! 子初JJ,分享你的心情,和你在一起~!