EvaLuna2007-02-28 21:58:33
仔细看这场演出, 说出那个奇怪乐器的英文名字~~~
这个东东, 流浪汉们喜欢盘腿坐在墙角, 穿花衣, 呜呜奏, 到底叫哈泥?~~
有奖, 有奖~~~

New beginning --- Tracy Chapman

The whole worlds broke and it aint worth fixing
Its time to start all over, make a new beginning
Theres too much pain, too much suffering
Lets resolve to start all over make a new beginning
Now dont get me wrong - I love life and living
But when you wake up and look around at everything thats going down -
All wrong
You see we need to change it now, this world with too few happy endings
We can resolve to start all over make a new beginning

Start all over
Start all over
Start all over
Start all over

The world is broken into fragments and pieces
That once were joined together in a unified whole
But now too many stand alone - theres too much separation
We can resolve to come together in the new beginning

Start all over
Start all over
Start all over
Start all over

We can break the cycle - we can break the chain
We can start all over - in the new beginning
We can learn, we can teach
We can share the myths the dream the prayer
The notion that we can do better
Change our lives and paths
Create a new world and

Start all over
Start all over
Start all over
Start all over

The whole worlds broke and it aint worth fixing
Its time to start all over, make a new beginning
Theres too much fighting, too little understanding
Its time to stop and start all over
Make a new beginning

Start all over
Start all over
Start all over
Start all over

We need to make new symbols
Make new signs
Make a new language
With these well define the world

And start all over
Start all over
Start all over
Start all over ...
罂粟花2007-02-28 22:14:11
圣牛2007-02-28 22:20:07
书童2007-02-28 22:20:57
回复:【从头再来 有奖竞答】New Beginning
书童2007-02-28 22:22:12
书童2007-02-28 22:22:35
3stones2007-02-28 22:24:22
这个乐器叫Didgeridoo, 对吗?
3stones2007-02-28 22:25:14
牛!你比我快 :(
3stones2007-02-28 22:26:37
就连书童也比我快 ...............>
圣牛2007-02-28 22:28:37
流浪回来了 :))
书童2007-02-28 22:29:16
圣牛2007-02-28 22:29:42
EvaLuna2007-02-28 22:31:10
牛~~~ 你够狠~~~ 稍不留神就....
3stones2007-02-28 22:33:20
火星人的象形文字 ^^"
3stones2007-02-28 22:33:55
罂粟花2007-02-28 22:35:09
书童2007-02-28 22:36:50
EvaLuna2007-02-28 23:07:45
都厉害的狠啊~~~ 等着拿大奖吧~~~ 嘿嘿~~~
肖萧2007-03-01 01:22:05
磨坊小札2007-03-01 01:37:45
等了半天都不见发奖?EVA,interesting game!