非常酷2007-03-06 16:52:43

There are a lot of children in Afghan, but little childhood...
3stones2007-03-06 17:03:57
绿色和平原子弹2007-03-06 18:20:49
磨坊小札2007-03-06 18:21:46
与NN的If Everyone Cared 相得益彰, 相映成趣, 首尾呼应, 浑然一体!
非常酷2007-03-06 18:33:10
i was surprised at NN's post actually
非常酷2007-03-06 18:35:06
oops...seems I would like to say: if people cared
圣牛2007-03-06 19:14:15
what r we waitin for?
圣牛2007-03-06 19:17:39
johnz0022007-03-06 19:25:13
xz是什么? 箱子?
绿色和平原子弹2007-03-06 19:49:48
EvaLuna2007-03-06 19:58:14
酷酷, 从 heal the hearts around u 开始做起吧~~:))
非常酷2007-03-06 20:29:16
tryin my best not to hurt :)))))))