huyan92007-03-09 03:53:14
Michael Hedges -- Oracle

艺人: Michael Hedges
名称: Oracle
时间: October 1, 1996
类型: New Age
资源:MP3/192K ★★★★☆


1. The 2nd Law
2. Ignition
3. Baal T'shuvah
4. Dirge
5. Jitterboogie
6. Oracle
7. Gospel
8. Tomorrow Never Knows
9. Theme From HATARI!
10. Aura Muunta
11. Jitterboogie (Family Version)
12. Sofa No.1
13. When I Was 4
14.What Child is This?(Greensleeves)

huyan9 03-08-07
吉他大师迈克•亨吉斯(Michael Hedges)的出现,标志着New Age吉他风格的诞生。Michael Hedges在箱琴(木吉他)上所做的,就如Jimi Hendrix在电吉他上所做的一样——完全地改变了一种乐器表现力的可能性。作为一个作曲家,他用他的吉他编配出交响诗般的声音,超乎了人们对一把独奏乐器的想象力。Michael Hedges把自己的演奏风格称为“暴力箱琴”,他双手的技巧将吉他变成了最原始的打击乐器。在他死后,很少能有人像他一样在箱琴上演奏出那种爆炸性的和声、对位和愤怒的情感。第40届葛莱美奖“最佳新世纪专辑”的“Oracle”(神谕)中的经典曲目。在他这张诗一般的独奏专辑里,展现了他最拿手的东西:使用复杂的、醉士味的调弦法,还有十分有趣的拨弦加拍弦技巧。他的精彩演奏,令保守的吉他手们惊讶和折服,而他本人,则被称为吉他之神,让后人仰为观止,并深受影响。 essential recording Michael Hedges's last album before his untimely death is one of his best. The 1996 album opens with "The 2nd Law," a quietly intense and introspective piece, and moves on through the percussive "Ignition," the sprightly "Gospel," and two variations on the same piece, "Jitterboogie" and the playful "Jitterboogie (Family Version)." The sole vocal piece on the album is a nice turn on the Beatles' "Tomorrow Never Knows," with Hedges backing himself on guitar and fretless bass. There are two other interesting cover choices, Henry Mancini's "Theme from Hatari!" and Frank Zappa's "Sofa No. 1." Oracle won the 1998 Grammy for Best New Age Album, and the award was richly deserved. --Daniel Durchholz 。 音乐连接来自阿海,特别感谢!
﹌江风﹌2007-03-09 03:54:26
高强度 -- 最有力地弹奏!
Goodluck2U2007-03-09 03:58:58
联播第一首是最后一曲,精彩,谢谢! 晚安胡哥:))
=大愚=2007-03-09 04:10:15
来晚了,只好 Sofa No.3
磨坊小札2007-03-09 04:29:46
fvbj68042007-03-09 04:41:20
Is that great!! I love them!! Thanks
书童2007-03-09 04:47:25
吉他之神 Michael Hedges!
weston2007-03-09 14:36:24
he has a lot of influence on today's guitar playing.
zsag2007-03-09 16:06:33
回复:吉他之神 Michael Hedges:love them
林贝卡2007-03-09 16:08:33
weston is an expert on music. Thanks for sharing it.
3stones2007-03-09 16:31:31
thx 4 sharing~
easycy2007-03-09 18:14:45
great talent : )
weston2007-03-09 22:43:18
Rebecca: thx and enjoy your wknd.
鹤舞2007-03-10 17:37:21