非常酷2007-03-23 19:30:17

还是更喜欢这个版本的~……喜欢那味道~~~like da taste of greek yoghurt~^^

"if someone knows how to make love with piano physically, that must be her."
圣牛2007-03-23 19:34:45
SF!nice intro, kuku :))
3stones2007-03-23 19:38:36
BD! nice song, kuku :)) (BFZT)
小小艾2007-03-23 19:43:30
绿色和平原子弹2007-03-23 19:43:43
thinking about the comment...
流波上的dance2007-03-23 20:14:06
EvaLuna2007-03-23 20:51:30
wut u have said about her, i totally agree~~ *____@
非常酷2007-03-23 21:09:57
磨坊小札2007-03-23 21:28:20
sorry, kuku, "perfect day" will come in the near future, i prom
磨坊小札2007-03-23 21:28:46
i promise
非常酷2007-03-23 22:10:43
i hope perfect day comes everyday!!! :))) never mind~thx lei~
微笑的鱼2007-03-24 00:28:36