贴贴玩2007-04-12 00:26:49

    by your side
    you think I'd leave your side baby 
    you know me better than that
    think I'd leave you down 
    when you're down on your knees
    I wouldn't do that
    I'll do you right when you want
    and if only you could see into me
    oh when you're cold
    I'll be there hold you tight to me
    when you're on the outside baby 
    and you can't get in
    I will show you
    you're so much better than you know
    when you're lost
    you're alone and you can

贴贴玩 04/11/07

箫笛2007-04-12 00:26:02
Autumn2007-04-12 00:36:46
箫笛语:这贴要顶!@@ 喜欢这纯净的蓝,顶贴贴最近系列好贴~
箫笛2007-04-12 00:39:37
lili~2007-04-12 02:23:29
磨坊小札2007-04-12 02:24:15
utube都整这么清爽漂亮~enjoy her voice! thanks, wanwan^^
磨坊小札2007-04-12 02:33:16
书童2007-04-12 04:18:19
箫笛说:这贴要顶! 顶!谢谢贴贴玩。
frog-2007-04-12 15:43:39
+只喝可乐的猫+2007-04-13 02:20:46