A鱼A, lli_go told me today is your day. No kidding? 半老乡好呀. 你现在上来的少, 可不兴这么逗咱们鱼儿 :)). I'm not 大S!lli_go has given me an assignment~~~ 我在下面跟你说话呢, 你又跑上面来啦? 好东东就要分享吗 :)). Your qqh's just 2 words, which I didn't understand. BB 好. 箫箫这帖作完美的表达了对哥哥的永恒追忆. lli_go, your last email's received after I sent my post. Nice 翻唱。看透了“你”, 所以“你”就透明了。 lli_go's tech is so tricky, no one can reply mine(:: Do you turn off your qqh nitice indicator? 真是经典再现,对我们这些喜欢听他歌的人来说,箫箫做得很到位!:) I have request meng ban for help:)) sorry. Please close your eyes and come to KD tomorrow:))) Sam, 俺正想说这事呢。 原来是lli_go大师杰作。 回复:Please close your eyes and come to KD tomorrow:))) 深情的吟唱,绝妙的诠释,完美的组合,全方位再创作! 嘘~~ Let smily fish thank me:))) 哈,正要跟Sam请教,怎样才能把跟贴功能消除呢,你厉害! Please thank lli_go. I've followed hers and collected hers. Hello, master Qiu:))) Very glad to see you. Can someone ask the host delete mine above for good? 又晚了,再为鱼儿姐姐情真意切的精彩演唱鼓掌!也谢谢lli的帮忙! 喜欢!!夕阳箫的帖子太唯美了!笑鱼唱得好感性,第一次听, 小小艾偶像太偏心,总是让我遇您不到,今儿算如愿,问好! 你做的美帖也偏心,总不让俺听。今天总算可怜俺让俺听到了~~ 完美!好深情的鱼儿和萧萧!你呀你,你的歌声牵动我的心。。。 笑鱼,箫箫,lli姐永远是超级完美组合~!喜爱并顶好帖好唱! 在后面顶一把!问好三位才女!!并问候楼上各位好友!