万人迷妮2007-04-30 02:53:20

              Any dream will do

闭上眼睛,落下帷幕  I closed my eyes. Drew back the curtain.
我能看到,我想知道  To see for certain What I thought I knew.
很远很远,有人哭泣  Far,far away. Someone was weeping.
世界睡了,梦能成真  But the world was sleeping. Any dream will do.

穿上外套,金色衬里  I wore my coat  With golden lining.
灿烂耀眼,美妙光鲜  Bright color shining. Wonderful and new.
远在东方,黎明破晓  And in the east. The dawn was breaking.
世界醒了,梦能成真  And the world was waking. Any dream will do. 

鼓声轰鸣,电光闪烁  A crash of drums, a flash of light.
金色外套,飞出视线  My golden coat, flew out of sight.
色彩退落,重归黑暗  The colors faded into darkness.
独留下我,孑然一身  I was left alone.

我又回到,浑沌初始  May I return. To the beginning.
光线暗淡,梦想黯然  The light is dimming. And the dream is too.
世界和我,依然等待  The world and I. We are still waiting.
依然犹豫,梦能成真  Still hesitating. Any dream will do.
梦能成真,梦能成真  Any dream will do. Any dream will do.

•  張雨生 - 玫瑰的名字
•  黄梅戏 - 双珠凤
•  王秀芬 - 黄河怨 [黄河大合唱]
•  李胜素 - 梨花颂
•  于魁智、尚长荣-《華容道》片段
johnz0022007-04-30 03:09:17
包括白日梦吗? ^__^
Sweetlife2007-04-30 05:49:39
jennyma2007-04-30 19:56:31
回复:Any Dream Will Do
书童2007-04-30 23:42:02