EvaLuna2007-06-07 22:44:45

俺的最爱 ~~ 好吧,是很爱 ~~~:))))

Lennon McCartney -----> Yer Blues

Yes I'm lonely wanna die
Yes I'm lonely wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why.

In the morning wanna die
In the evening wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why.

My mother was of the sky
My father was of the earth
But I am of the universe
And you know what it's worth
I'm lonely wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why.

The eagle picks my eye
The worm he licks my bones
I feel so suicidal
Just like Dylan's Mr. Jones
Lonely wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why.

Black cloud crossed my mind
Blue mist round my soul
Feel so suicidal
Even hate my rock and roll
Wanna die yeah wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why.

圣牛2007-06-07 22:49:31
sf! 还有那首a day in the life也合作得不错
xix2007-06-07 22:53:21
珍惜生命! 嘿黑,才女的心思你别猜,猜你也猜不出来.
青梅2007-06-07 22:53:23
sf~~ good pick, i love it, too.
Stiella2007-06-07 22:57:10
BD, welcome back青梅 :)
水影子2007-06-07 22:57:23
说啥呢, 青梅? 你不知有多少朋友念叨着你呢? big hug ~~~~~~`
johnz0022007-06-07 22:57:33
long time no see, waiting for you to shake KD.
(弹弹)2007-06-07 23:00:55
青梅2007-06-07 23:07:52
hey 弹弹,可不可以叫你---- 绿弹?
圣牛2007-06-07 23:09:28
finally da moment of truth
青梅2007-06-07 23:10:58
very nice of u! thx. hug u, too.
(弹弹)2007-06-07 23:11:34
where is my heart? i cant feel it~~~~~
水影子2007-06-07 23:12:29
哈.... 这就是你短暂离开的gap. 习惯就好 ~~~~~~`
sridhar2007-06-07 23:16:27
圣牛2007-06-07 23:18:33
pat~~ sometimes it happens to good ppl.
水影子2007-06-07 23:22:37
:)) 已经有颗顶级石头在预警石头会爆呢 ~~~~~~~`
huyan92007-06-07 23:23:54
hi, 胡哥哥问候妹子!
暗香^^2007-06-07 23:26:02
青梅2007-06-07 23:27:03
sridhar2007-06-07 23:28:31
Hey, 你好!  够靓!!  赞!!!
(弹弹)2007-06-07 23:30:13
i should know i had this coming
青梅2007-06-07 23:31:27
oops~~~~~~~~ :)))
一片吃心2007-06-07 23:32:50
sridhar2007-06-07 23:34:36
you should have known, ,,,,but you didn't.....hahaha
青梅2007-06-07 23:34:54
hey dandan, thank u^^ u made my coming back funner
=忽忽*悠悠=2007-06-07 23:46:37
(弹弹)2007-06-07 23:47:24
enjoy it while it lasts!!!;))
青梅2007-06-08 00:35:56
谢~~~~ 也问胡哥哥好! ^^
青梅2007-06-08 00:37:22
nice to meet u, sridhar.
青梅2007-06-08 00:38:34
Stiella 好:)
磨坊小札2007-06-08 00:51:43
too old for me, not my style:))
磨坊小札2007-06-08 00:52:07
i mean, glasses
lili~2007-06-08 02:54:43
同欣赏才女的最爱 ~~ 好吧,是很爱 ~~~:))))
书童2007-06-08 09:33:19
lonely wanna die...