七月晴天2007-06-12 23:30:33
I am new here. who can tell me how can I upload music?

If I have a song in my computer, how I can upload and post it?

Many thanks.
fund4fun2007-06-13 00:04:08
Have fun... :-)
七月晴天2007-06-13 00:17:24
回复:Thanks. Is there a place that I can upload
fund4fun2007-06-13 00:26:37
then search a site that hosts your music or post
fund4fun2007-06-13 00:33:01
http://bbs2.creaders.net/articleReader.php?idx=119858 and
tuixiu2007-06-13 02:40:52
WXC 提供上传服务. 看左边 论坛帮助 教你怎么发歌.