圣牛2007-07-25 20:51:25

Must be your skin that I'm sinkin in
Must be for real cause now I can feel
and I didn't mind
it's not my kind
not my time to wonder why
everything's gone white
and everything's grey
now your here now you away
I don't want this
remember that
I'll never forget where your at
don't let the days go by

I'm never alone
I'm alone all the time
are you at one
or do you lie
we live in a wheel
where everyone steals
but when we rise it's like strawberry fields

If I treated you bad
you bruise my face
couldn't love you more
you got a beautiful taste
don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you
I coudn't change though I wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
glycerine (repeat)
don't let the days go by

I needed you more
when we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress
it might just be
clear simple and plain
that's just fine
that's just one of my names
don't let the days go by
could've been easier on you

lili~2007-07-25 20:55:48
sridhar2007-07-25 21:17:15
甘油? 哞~~~~一个! :D
tyhongau2007-07-25 21:38:09
NN, Hao!
johnz0022007-07-25 21:42:27
water62007-07-25 21:44:01
啥? 牛牛抒情? 可惜听不到~~ 问 lili~ 好.
林贝卡2007-07-25 21:47:10
"don't let the days go by."
青梅2007-07-25 21:49:30
ding Bush~ high five~ ^_^
EvaLuna2007-07-25 21:53:32
Bush好不容易抒把情,俺还听不见~~ 牛啊,这是怎搞滴~~
圣牛2007-07-25 21:59:45
圣牛2007-07-25 22:04:27
圣牛2007-07-25 22:04:53
回哞~~~~一个! :D
圣牛2007-07-25 22:05:26
圣牛2007-07-25 22:06:48
finally our dreams came true :))
圣牛2007-07-25 22:08:43
对于贝卡J是越快越好 :))
圣牛2007-07-25 22:09:14
5! show me the poster :))
EvaLuna2007-07-25 22:10:16
听见了布什在抒情~~~ 拿枪的那位也过来看看~~~
圣牛2007-07-25 22:10:43
ask cheney pls ^^
圣牛2007-07-25 22:13:02
"just shoot me"
water62007-07-25 22:14:29
Eva 你吓谁? 牛皮虽厚子弹还是穿的~~
圣牛2007-07-25 22:15:14
johnz0022007-07-25 22:18:18
听到, "Read my lips, no more tax"
一程歌2007-07-25 22:19:40
啥磨世道, 刷子也会抒情了 :P
EvaLuna2007-07-25 22:20:34
水兄~~ 是另一个拿枪的布什啊~~~ 惊牛俺知道是很可怕滴~~
Sridhar2007-07-25 22:21:42
绿色和平原子弹2007-07-25 22:22:02
Sridhar2007-07-25 22:22:37
water62007-07-25 22:24:30
不怕, 明年俺陪你去那斗牛节~~
一程歌2007-07-25 22:37:32
Sridhar, 你也有两把刷子哈:))
圣牛2007-07-25 22:37:45
sridhar2007-07-25 22:47:10
一程歌2007-07-25 23:06:43
下回记得买牛毛做的刷子哦, 不但兜风,还煽情~~~
sridhar2007-07-25 23:14:22
秋凉如我心2007-07-25 23:36:50
一程歌2007-07-25 23:38:42
帅是帅, 就是光溜得一毛不拔:))
lili~2007-07-25 23:59:42
圣牛2007-07-26 03:04:53
这个我也听说了 ^^