子衿·我心2007-08-05 21:35:04

To our Moms:

"Mama sometimes I feel inside
There’s nothing I can say
Nothing I can do
Could ever match the love you gave
sometimes it’s hard to find the words
But I’ll do the best I can
Thank you for the love mama
It’s what made this girl a woman"


(BFZT)在美国80年代的主流金属版图上,这支乐队虽然没有像BON JOVI ,GUN ‘N’ ROSE等乐队那样成为大红大紫的国际大牌乐队,但他们对金属音乐的贡献却是无人能够否定的,直到今天每当听到Tom Keifer 那火辣辣的嗓音,还总是兴奋不已。他们选用的乐队名Cinderella(灰姑娘)被认为缺少重金属气质,但这正体现了乐队华丽、雌性的风格和打扮。

Cinderella 是由费城两位经验丰富的酒吧乐手Tom Keifer 以及 Eric Brittingham ,在1985年发起成立的。吉他手 Jeff Lebar,乐队的主唱 Bon Jovi ,鼓手 Fred Coury 随后加入。1986年6月 Cinderella 发表了他们的第一张 Glam Metal 风格的专辑《Night Songs》,专辑销售出了200万张。Cinderella 一夜之间从一个 Club Band 变成 Rock Star。

1988年,乐队推出了第二张专辑《Long Cold Winter》,乐队吸取了大量布鲁斯音乐的精髓,并把它加入到他们所擅长的硬摇滚中去,这种音乐风格正好适合 Keifer 的嗓音,乐队受到了一系列的好评,专辑的销量达到600万张。

乐队巔峰之作当属在1990年推出的第三张专辑《Heartbreak Station》,每个吹毛求疵的乐评都不得不对它停止了批评,哀怨的布鲁斯与激烈的硬摇滚聚在一起凑成了一锅美味的大餐,加上吹奏乐器的大量使用,弦乐部分由 Led Zeppelin 乐队的元老 John Paul Jones 安排,Cinderella 已成为一支非常优秀的摇滚乐队。

1993年,Cinderella 的事业遭到几个严重的打击。首先是主唱 Tom Keifer 患上了声带结节并且日趋严重,然后 Fred Coury 离开了 Cinderella 加入了 Arcade 乐队,但更不幸的是 Tom Keifer 的母亲去世,可以想象这对 Tom Keifer 的打击有多大。直到1994年,Cinderell a才出版了第四张专辑《Still Climbing》。这首“Hard to Find the Words” 便出自这张专辑。然而此时的乐坛已是非主流当道,Cinderella 所擅长的 Pop Metal 已是强弩之末。《Still Climbing》没有得到预期的成功,销量远未达到白金数字(100万张),成了80年代重金属衰落的标志。

1995年,Cinderella 匆匆结束了一次短暂的巡演便在人们的猜疑中解散了。

随着重金属音乐开始复苏,Cinderella 又开始活跃起来,乐队成员又重新聚在了一起。1997年,在唱片公司热心支持下 Cinderella 推出了一张名为《Once Upon A...》的精选专辑。1998年 Cinderella 展开名为 "Unfinished Business" 的巡回演出,收到了很好的效果;2000年夏季,Cinderella 与 Poison, Slaughter 和 Dokken 等团体共同举行巡演。2001推出专辑《Down Street》。

《Hard to Find the Words》

Mama sometimes I feel inside
There’s nothing I can say
Nothing I can do
Could ever match the love you gave
You taught me how to live
Told me walk before you run
And you were always there to pick me up
Everytime I’d have a fall

And mama I know there’s been times
When I didn’t always understrand
By and by we do some growing up
And it makes just a little more sense
But sometimes it’s hard to find the words
But I’ll do the best that I can
Thank you for the love mama
It’s what made this boy a man

I know the road’s been long
And I know you’ve seen some rain
Making the best of what we had
I never heard you complain
When I look in the mirror today
Wondering could I be as strong
Could I give as much to someone else
As you gave to your son

And mama I know there’s been times
When we didn’t see eye to eye
By and by we do some growing up
And we understand the reasons why
But sometimes it’s hard to find the words
But I’ll do the best I can
Thank you for the love mama
It’s what made this boy a man, yea

Many years have gone by
And I’ve been living them the best I can

And mama I know there’s been times
When I didn’t always understand
By and by we do some growing up
And it makes just a little more sense
But sometimes it’s hard to find the words
But I’ll do the best I can
Thank you for the love mama
It’s what made this boy a man, yea

子衿·我心2007-08-05 21:36:40
[ 摇 滚 追 思]:Rock -- 梦回唐朝 by 唐朝乐队
子衿·我心2007-08-05 21:38:27
[ 舞 意 盎 然 ]:Pop -- Don't Turn Off the Lights by Enrique Iglesias
子衿·我心2007-08-05 21:40:10
[ 前 缘 再 续 ]:法国香颂 -- Encore une Fois by Hélène Ségara
睛点典经2007-08-05 23:56:46
子衿·我心2007-08-06 03:39:24
pollyli2007-08-06 03:55:29
张炬 died in front of our company, poor guy
(弹弹)2007-08-06 04:52:03
d1d again
子衿·我心2007-08-07 14:53:27