MangziMM2007-08-29 10:55:23

小时候听过一首歌叫<<单程车票>>, 后来长大才知道原来是80年代美国流行的一首英文歌. 当时听的是一个国内或是台湾的女歌手用国语唱的. 不记得里面的歌词了,只记得她在重复忧怨地唱: one way ticket, one way ticket...

前两天偶然听到英文版的这首' One way ticket',从头到尾仔细听了一遍, 竟然觉得还不错, 有着那个年代简单, 纯真的调子. 很喜欢那句 'Gonna take a trip to lonesome town, gonna stay at heartbreak hotel' (即将启程前往寂寞小镇, 入住心碎旅馆).  而且那位 L.A. GUN的黑妹妹能把一首伤心的失恋情歌用轻描淡写,甚至于有点欢快的嗓音演绎出来, 倒好过扮演怨妇的角色.

One way ticket
                        -- By L.A.Gun

Choo Choo
Train chuggin down the track
Gotta travel on, may never come back
Oh, got a one way ticket to the blues...

Bye bye love, my baby's leaving me
Now lonely teardrops are all that I can see
Oh, got a one way ticket to the blues...

Gonna take a trip to lonesome town
Gonna stay at heartbreak hotel
A fool such as I that never know
I cry a tear so well

Oh, got a one way ticket to the blues...
Got a one way ticket to the blues...

•  无常
•  生活仿若静物画
•  Once upon a time...
tyhongau2007-08-29 15:50:35
johnz0022007-08-29 17:53:07