Glider2007-09-14 20:30:04

《偷洒一滴泪》 Una furtiva Lagrima

最早听到这首 Donizetti 的歌剧 L'Elisir d'Amore 中的咏叹调《偷洒一滴泪》还是很久很久以前了。
当时上音声乐系的学生刘捷在一个国际声乐比赛中,演唱这首咏叹调并得了个不错的奖回来。在他回来后举行的汇报演出中听到这首咏叹调。刘捷是东北来的学生,人不高,唱的真是非常之好。因为是用原文演唱,一句也没听懂~  只记得 I palpiti, i palpiti sentir 的发音。现在也只知道 giovani,lo vedo 几个字~

Una furtiva lagrima
Negl'occhi suoi spunto:
Quelle festose giovani
Invidiar sembro.
Che piu cercando io vo?
Che piu cercando io vo?
M'ama, si m'ama, lo vedo, lo vedo.
Un solo instante i palpiti
Del suo bel cor sentir!
I miei sospir, confondere
Per poco a' suoi sospir!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,
Confondere i miei coi suoi sospir
Cielo, si puo morir!
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Ah! Cielo, si puo, si puo morir,
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Si puo morir, si puo morir d'amor.


Nemorino is in love with a wealthy girl, but she says she isn't interested in poor boys like him. Desperate, he buys a "Love potion" that only turns out to be cheap red wine. And yet, Nemorino believes the "Elixir" will work. When he sees her cry, he knows she has fallen for him at last.

One tear that falls so furtively
from her sweet eyes has just sprung,
as if she envied all the youths
who laughingly passed her right by.
What could I want more than this?
She loves me! I see it.
One moment just to hear her heart,
beating so close next to mine,
to hear my sighs like they were hers,
her sighings as if they were mine!
Heavens, please take me now:
All that I wanted is mine now!

- Royal Gala Concert - Royal Albert Hall Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor Kurt Herbert Adler Recorded in April 13th 1982...pavarotti tenor concert

•  不落的太阳
•  在等你的日子里。。。
•  八百壮士英名在
•  舰队远航
•  又见外滩
johnz0022007-09-14 20:41:13
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2007-09-14 20:43:31
Glider2007-09-14 20:45:48
Johnz, 谢谢~~
Glider2007-09-14 20:47:15
艾丽, Grazie!
fishoutofwater2007-09-14 20:57:24
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2007-09-14 21:00:11
Glider2007-09-14 21:02:23
hey fish, grazie!
看风景2007-09-14 21:35:19
Great. Da Ding!!
Sridhar2007-09-14 22:06:53
weston2007-09-14 22:36:05
Glider2007-09-14 23:13:48
风景, Grazie!!
Glider2007-09-14 23:14:30
Sridhar, Grazie!
Glider2007-09-14 23:15:01
weston, grazie!
睛点典经2007-09-14 23:18:32
Glider, grazie!
qiuqiu~2007-09-15 00:22:40
书童2007-09-15 01:12:20
微笑的鱼2007-09-15 01:31:37
晕,我进来三次了,为什么只能听22秒?进UT也是一样的 :(
Glider2007-09-15 01:38:54
Grazie, dude!~~
Glider2007-09-15 01:41:07
Hello qiuqiu and grazie!~
Glider2007-09-15 01:43:51
Sure thing~. I'll learn Italian first~~ Thanks for the advice :)
Glider2007-09-15 01:45:17
笑鱼, I just listened. It was fine here. Not sure what's the probl
微笑的鱼2007-09-15 01:49:51
hi, Glider ,我刚才又试了一次,不知是什么原因
Glider2007-09-15 06:25:19
you may go to my site and give it a try. here is