Thanks so much for helping me find this song!!!............ I like it so much. Where are you, I will buy dinner for you.I feel your warm heart not cold heart.
I don't have time to listen every song here, but I like here so much. In 2000, I first came here, it has been 7 years. Whenever I have time, I will visit here.
I don't know why you have this name, I hope you can walk out your previous experience of hurt, be happy with your self and be positive.
Try listen 杨庆惶 唱的 "年轻战士" 可惜我找不到.
词曲作者:小轩 词 谭健常 曲
我是一名战士 命运是战场
我披上征衣 从不容迟疑
我唯一的信念 就是不能回头
唯一的凭借 就是岁月的利剑
我不能卸下马鞍 只为你盈盈眼波
将蚀去斗志 毕竟我还那么脆弱
然而驰骋过处 那一闪的生命
任前途坎坷 任青春渐失
请你 伸出双臂 请你 伸出双臂
请你 伸出双臂 等待远征的战士
我是年轻战士 我是年轻战士
我是年轻战士 一名年轻的战士
哦... 哦... 哦...
" Life is like a roll of toilet paper The closer it gets to the end, the faster it have fun, think "good thoughts" only, learn to laugh at yourself, and "Count your blessings"!!!!!!!Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, and Dance like nobody's watching."