小咸菜~妹妹生日快乐人生常青 Evergreen
Sometimes love would bloom in the spring time
Then my flowers in summer it will grow
Then fade away in the winter
When the cold wind begins to blow
But when it's evergreen, evergreen
It will last through the summer and winter, too
When love is evergeen, evergreen
Like my love for you
So hold my hand and tell me
You'll be mine through laughter and through tears
We'll let the whole world see our love will be
Evergreen through all the years
But when its evergreen evergreen
It will last through the summer and winter too
When love is evergreen evergreen
Like my love for you (Evergreen by Susan Jackson)
生日Party在爱读兄家里,请在这里买票。附歌的链接。 才哥的红颜知己(金屋藏嬌?)說多謝!有空常來I lost my ring. happy b-day, little salty sister! Evergreen, 好听~~ 咸菜泡稀饭, 好吃~~~ Evergreen贼好听的,本坛多年前贴过但音质不好。 咦,那个little salty sister还没来? 才哥我粗心小气也忘了说--- 也祝本坛其他本月生日的朋友们生日快乐! 哈哈哈哈,谢谢财哥,咸菜好得意哦,以后要财哥亲自唱歌给咸菜听。 哈哈哈,欢迎朋友们到咸菜生日PARTY,你们能见到很多大名人呢,布什和英王子也来了。。 哈哈,忘了说了,咸菜要谢谢所有祝我生日的朋友,也祝福你们永远快乐~~~ 这个小姑娘,老是嘻嘻哈哈的! 都20多啦,以后要严肃点儿! [静夜聆听] 纯音乐专辑《Audiophile Eternal》 [静夜聆听] 纯音乐专辑《Audiophile Eternal》