algebera2007-10-23 22:48:25

Aerosmith(空中铁匠乐队)是七十年代最流行的硬摇滚乐队之一,常被与重金属乐队Kiss相提并论,在乐队成立后的20年中,他们浑浊的重型布鲁斯风格为重金属和硬摇滚建立了一种标准。在 the Rolling Stones 的硬朗和 the New York Dolls 的华丽夸张之间,他们建立了自己刚柔并济的风格。乐队坚持几十年不变的硬摇滚风格,其开朗硬实的乐风与尽情挥洒的蓝 调音符,创作出多首摇滚经典作品,是老摇滚乐迷的心中至爱。   1998年,Aerosmith为全球风云卖座电影《Armageddon世界末日》所演唱的主题曲「I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing」,便拿下Billboard单曲榜4周冠军宝座、席卷世界各国排行榜榜首,让原声带狂销全球破7百万张。只有这种比大海还庞大,比宇宙还博大的情怀才能真正令人震撼!也许电影的情节可以虚构,但这种气势磅礴的演绎却是如此活生生。前面颇为缠绵的留恋,与后面激昂的不归彼此呼应! 英文歌词I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you're far away and dreaming i could spend my life in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure i don't wanna close my eyes i don't wanna fall asleep 'cause i'd miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing 'cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i'd still miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing lying close to you feeling your heart beating and i'm wondering what you're dreaming wondering if it's me you're seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we're together and i just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever i don't wanna close my eyes i don't wanna fall asleep 'cause i'd miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing 'cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i'd still miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing i don't wanna miss one smile i don't wanna miss one kiss well, i just wanna be with you right here with you, just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time don't wanna close my eyes don't wanna fall asleep 'cause i'd miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing 'cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do 'cause i'd still miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing i don't wanna close my eyes i don't wanna fall asleep 'cause i'd miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing 'cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i'd still miss you, baby and i don't wanna miss a thing don't wanna close my eyes don't wanna fall asleep, yeah i don't wanna miss a thing 中文歌词不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻 我愿一直醒着,只为了听你的呼吸    注视着你睡着时的微笑    当你在遥远的梦乡    我可以耗尽一生,在我对你甜蜜的屈服中   我可以在此刻永远的迷失    与你相守的每一刻,都是我最宝贵的时光 不想闭上双眼    我不想入眠    因为我想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻   因为即使当我梦见你    哪怕是最甜美的梦也不能替代    我仍然要想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻 躺在你身边,感觉你的心跳    我想知道你正梦见什么    想知道你看到的是不是我    于是我吻你的眼睛    感谢上帝,我们能在一起    我只想永远与你厮守在此刻    永远,永远…… 不想闭上双眼    我不想入眠    因为我想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻    因为即使当我梦见你    哪怕是最甜美的梦也不能替代    我仍然要想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻 我不想错过一个微笑    我不想错过一个吻    我只想和你在一起    就在这里,就像这样   我只想拥紧你    感觉你我的心跳如此接近   就在此时此地    度过所有剩余的时间 不想闭上双眼    我不想入眠    因为我想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻    因为即使当我梦见你    哪怕是最甜美的梦也不能替代    我仍然要想念你    不愿失去与你相守的任一时刻 不想闭上双眼   
圣牛2007-10-23 22:53:23
very man, I am touched by that scarf~ bfzt
(弹弹)2007-10-23 23:37:24
NN, i dear u wear that scarf this winter
heiger2007-10-23 23:45:24
回复:me too, dishwasher(timewasher), DOMES.DAY!!!
圣牛2007-10-24 00:32:42
send me one!
书童2007-10-24 05:06:31
qiuqiu~2007-10-24 07:55:42
皆因有缘2007-10-24 08:54:47
another very man :),好听!
秋凉如我心2007-10-24 11:58:31