万人迷妮2007-10-30 08:10:50

我在等你 Right Here Waiting

                         By Richard Marx

日复一日,隔着海洋 Oceans apart day after day
慢慢煎熬,陷入疯狂 And I slowly go insane
天际传来,你的声音 I hear your voice on the line
但却不能,疗伤止疼 But it doesn't stop the pain

不能看到,你在身边 If I see you next to never
如何能说,永世相随 How can we say forever
无论你在,天涯海角 Wherever you go
无论你做,何种事业 Whatever you do

就在这里,我在等你 I will be right here waiting for you
无论发生,什么变故 Whatever it takes
无论怎样,破碎我心 Or how my heart breaks
就在这里,我在等你 I will be right here waiting for you

从来认为,理所当然 I took for granted all the times
分离将是,最后一次 That I thought would last somehow
人们嗤笑,我欲哭泣 I hear the laughter I taste the tears
但却不能,靠近你身 But I can't get near you now

不能见你,我的宝贝 Oh can't you see it baby
几乎让我,陷入疯狂 You've got me going crazy
如何度过,这段浪漫 I wonder how we can survive this romance
只要最终,和你一起 But in the end if I'm with you

我会努力,抓住机会 I'll take the chance
不能见你,我的宝贝 Oh can't you see it baby
几乎让我,陷入疯狂 You've got me going crazy
我在等你,我在等你 waiting for you~

•  理查德·马克斯:《现在和永远》
•  黑鸭子:《月半湾》
•  陳昇:《把悲傷留給自己》
•  陳昇、劉佳慧:《北京一夜》
•  童安格:《沙漠之足》
秋凉如我心2007-10-30 12:45:12
johnz0022007-10-30 15:10:14
tyhongau2007-10-30 15:51:32
Ding 1 个!!一首很喜歡的歌.也頂四言意譯.Thanks.
思想者无畏2007-10-30 15:58:45
heard it before, thanks,... "whereever you go..."
皆因有缘2007-10-30 16:31:03
cnlady2007-10-30 23:35:58
书童2007-10-31 04:34:01
箫笛2007-11-01 02:15:03
顶好好等!总有一天等得到~~ ^&^