getrutte2007-11-05 14:41:53

be patient listening to the end, sort of passions releasing de zui gao jin jie, can't imagine how this romanian woman violinist can control it, amazing, if enjoy live in concert, blood boiling....

see u guys later, lots of things to do, life is frustrating...

army soul shake hands...
抒情的军魂2007-11-05 14:47:44
Hi, take easy, a big hug to U, thanks
johnz0022007-11-05 16:03:11
她是罗马尼亚小提琴家西尔维娅-马科维奇(Silvia Marcovici)
TyHongAu2007-11-05 17:46:19
Thanks for posting.good music.
箫笛2007-11-05 20:04:08