曲: 河合奈保子
music: kawāi nahoko
詞: 向雪懷
lyrics: heung suet wai
編: 杜自持
arranged: andrew tuason
碟: 命運符號
album: destiny's symbol
仍然倚在失眼夜 望天邊星宿
in the sleepless night, gazing at the stars
仍然聽見小提琴 如泣似訴再挑逗
hearing the violin crying, as if mocking me again
why is there only a crescent of the moon left in my sky?
after tonight, we will lose touch completely
人如天上的明月 是不可擁有
people are like the moon in the sky, you cannot possess them
情如曲過只遺留 無可挽救再分別
love is like a song that's been played, when nothing can save it then we can only break up
為何只是失望 填密我的空虛
why is my emptiness filled with disappointment?
tonight there will be no kiss goodbye
仍在說永久 想不到是藉口
we're still speaking of forever, unable to think of an excuse
as we never thought of breaking up...
but my heart is hers, every minute, every second
she is like the moon, never speaking
alone, the violin plays "deep autumn's bright moon"
我的牽掛 我的渴望 直至以後
my worries, my hopes, until forever