爱情, 一日不见如隔三秋, 2年时限;
Afterwards, 相看两厌,审美疲劳;
A good film, 2 hours?
A good song, 2 minutes?
“The ear is the sense organ that picks up sound waves from the surrounding air and turns them into nerve impulses that can be sent to the brain”
“Interestingly, the ear sends this information to the brain very accurately by turning the sound waves in the air (vibrations in a gas) into vibrations in bones (solid), and then into waves in a fluid in the inner ear (a liquid), before they become (electrical) nerve signals.”
万水千山总是情, 不要你命要你心.
一首好歌, 两分钟谈一场恋爱: 相识相思相爱分手
什麽行都, 就是没时间 , “花样年华” 梁朝伟/吴恩琪 (?), courtesy of 灰丫丫1