浅醉2008-01-18 03:20:50
I have a song stuck in my head and it's driving me crazy! I have had it stuck in there for about 2 days now. I don't even like the song. In fact, I hate the song!

How in the world do you get a song out of your head!!!!?

J_man2008-01-18 05:16:53
try shooting it out using a gun.
十月天蝎2008-01-18 05:59:52
回复:灌点水, 班长看要是不妥就删了
书童2008-01-18 06:15:55
您太有才了2008-01-18 06:31:03
梦一生2008-01-18 07:05:52
什么歌让你这么痛苦? 拿出来叫我们也享受一下痛苦。
思想者无畏2008-01-18 12:25:58
haha, this's 1 of the best songs I've ever heard
johnz0022008-01-18 15:06:25
J_man2008-01-18 19:26:17
浅醉2008-01-19 00:14:05
白天上不来, 多谢各位参与讨论, 周末愉快!
思想者无畏2008-01-19 01:03:21
回复:白天上不来, 多谢各位参与讨论, 周末愉快!