金鱼.2008-01-31 10:40:36
我放不了这里面的歌, 急死了
johnz0022008-01-31 16:22:08
这全快递都跟着急死了。 电源插头接上了吗?
TyHongAu2008-01-31 16:29:56
不急! 慢慢道出原因,John二世(ID spcialist)会指導.
纸纸2008-01-31 16:30:55
TyHongAu2008-01-31 16:31:14
Sorry! should be IT not ID.
chinadud2008-01-31 16:39:26
johnz0022008-01-31 16:44:21
Good morning Ty! Thank you for volunteering me. :-)
TyHongAu2008-01-31 16:52:26
Remember that I'm still your student(2 years almost!)
johnz0022008-01-31 16:58:43
Really? How could I never receive tuition from you?
TyHongAu2008-01-31 17:10:15
You told me 0.99YMB per lesson,&sent to ur. Swiss A/C.
tuixiu2008-01-31 17:34:14
回复:我放不了这里面的歌, 急死了
金鱼.2008-01-31 18:03:29
画面有,曲子没有,但youtube 里的能放,第一次发现这块宝地,却听不了,这不是急死活人吗?
johnz0022008-01-31 18:37:32
正义女神的男朋友2008-01-31 20:38:42