1安2004-04-09 07:26:55

Tanya Tucker - Delta Dawn 突然想起来一些老早喜欢的乡村歌曲。太多,很多估计也是几乎所有人耳熟能详的曲子。所以就选些印象很深但是也许不那么为人所知的。 第一个想起的就是至今还长盛不衰的老牌乡村歌手Tanya Tucker的名曲,DELTA DAWN。她13岁出道时,借助这张专辑横扫美国,被音乐杂志称为得克萨斯旋风。到15岁,她已经得到格兰美提名,最早上滚石杂志封面的乡村歌手之一。 这首曲子,不用多说什么。看歌词就知道,爱情的魅惑,就象"a faded rose from days gone by". Delta Dawn Tanya Tucker Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on Could it be a faded rose from days gone by And did I hear you say he was a - meeting you here today To take you to his mansion in the sky She's forty - one and her daddy still calls her "baby" All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy 'Cause she walks around town with a suitcase in her hand Looking for a mysterious dark - haired man In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on Then a man of low degree stood by her side And promised her he'd take her for his bride Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on Could it be a faded rose from days gone by And did I hear you say he was a - meeting you here today To take you to his mansion in the sky