LoveGermany2008-02-25 17:56:18
Hello friends
I have a questinon re piano
I bought a piano last summer and got it tunned. I recently found two keys do not work well. When I played them, they ketp down and do not raise up:
is that quality problem of the piano or I need to get it tunned again?

The piano was made in Germany and instally in China.

Thank you in advance!!
LoveGermany2008-02-25 18:01:22
That was a good piano with nice sound: I spend usd 3000.00
TyHongAu2008-02-25 18:16:03
Did you accidentally let the 2 keys drink some coke?Sugar ticks.
TyHongAu2008-02-25 18:22:58
Typo.error, should be STICKS.
LoveGermany2008-02-25 18:34:48
No. I keep that in a good condition: i covered it with silk
闲云孤鹤2008-02-25 18:48:52
you should practice more, 30', twice a day.
johnz0022008-02-25 19:09:14
Try this web page
LoveGermany2008-02-25 19:24:52
回复:you should practice more, 30', twice a day.
LoveGermany2008-02-25 19:27:50
Thank you very much!! I am reading the page now...
种菜得菜2008-02-25 19:41:27
This problem is not big and should not cost you much to fix
LoveGermany2008-02-25 19:48:36
My piano just got tuned last September. I moved on
johnz0022008-02-25 19:52:20
Piano should be tuned after moving.
种菜得菜2008-02-25 19:59:30
You can ask the tuner if he can fix the problem
LoveGermany2008-02-25 19:59:34
That is what I think. Thank you for all your help!
LoveGermany2008-02-25 20:00:05
刘十六姐2008-02-26 14:18:39
问好LoveGermany! 期待听到你的琴声 :))