weston2008-03-17 00:48:59

帕格尼尼的如歌行板是在最后. 先按play,再按暂停,等cache完了后,可用slider拉到任何一点
Hilary Hahn & Joshua Ritter - Program
Josh Ritter
, songwriter, guitar & vocals
Hilary Hahn, violin
1st half - Joshua Ritter performs
Josh Ritter (1976)
A selection of songs
Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst (1814 -1865)
Variations on "The Last Rose of Summer"
Josh Ritter
Thin Blue Flame
2nd Half - Hilary Hahn performs
J.S.Bach (1685-1750)
Sonata no.2 for violin in A minor BWV 1003
Eugène Ysae (1858-1931)
Sonata for violin no.3 in D minor "Ballade"
Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst
"Erlkönig", Caprice for violin op.26 after Franz Schubert
Josh Ritter
The Oak Tree King
Schubert's arrangement of Erlkönig

•  Hillary Hahn拉奏帕格尼尼《如歌的行板》,由吉他伴奏
•  《钢琴的艺术--记二十世纪的伟大演奏家》
•  Serkin & Bernstein Plays Beethoven's Emperor Concerto
•  电影配乐大师莫利克奈指挥他为电影《The Mission》所作的《Gabriel's Oboe》
•  Solti和伦敦交响乐团演奏贝多芬《科里奥兰序曲》
种菜得菜2008-03-17 01:17:02
清灵婉儿2008-03-17 01:53:14
Bravo!!! Hilary 的琴弦声在不经意间,如暴风骤雨般袭来,把听者的心弦
葳蕤2008-03-17 03:34:09
johnz0022008-03-17 17:14:35
Idaho 味的《夏日里最后的玫瑰》,顶好节目!
lili~2008-03-17 20:54:26
法国薰衣草2008-03-17 21:41:09
种菜得菜2008-03-18 00:10:11
weston2008-03-18 02:00:28
Thx for the feed-back. I had this for quite a while and didnt
weston2008-03-18 02:34:41
here is the url for the flash, you may be able to use a flash
种菜得菜2008-03-18 03:25:42
No doubt the sound is much better and
weston2008-03-18 03:56:50
if you like this one, listen to Argerich's concert at the same f
weston2008-03-18 03:57:28
glad you enjoyed it.
weston2008-03-18 03:58:21
thanks for listening and give nice feedbacks.
种菜得菜2008-03-19 00:11:14
回复:if you like this one, listen to Argerich's concert at the sam