msmong2008-08-07 04:49:46
Please help me troubleshoot MP4 playing problem in iTunes (want to play it eventually in iPod).

I downloaded 英语原人原唱歌曲视频1000部(一) MP4 files and added them to iTunes Library/Movies. I could play some of them such as "25Minutes.mp4", but when I play some others like "(EverythingIDo)IDoItForYou.mp4", it only has audio played, but no video played.

I installed klcodec413fbeta.exe but seems it still doesn't work.

贫农家的长工 and other experts, any ideas why? Thanks in advance for help.

葳蕤2008-08-07 14:31:10
回复:why iTunes can't play some MP4's video, but only audio?
葳蕤2008-08-07 14:38:50
好像real play最新版本有直接下载mp4转换到ipod的功能
msmong2008-08-08 01:53:20
感谢葳蕤, Thanks a ton, it works. But still can't understand...
msmong2008-08-08 01:56:37
Another problem is the file size is very big now, 16mb convert t
msmong2008-08-08 01:59:52
after converted MP4 to iPod version, a song size changed from 16