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No wonder she becomes our beloved Goddess figure.
我是一只修行千年的狐 I am a practicing fox for a thousand of years 千年修行 千年孤独 A thousand years of practicing, accompanying a thousand years of loneliness 夜深人静时 可有人听见我在哭 In dark, and quiet night, wonder whether someone has heard me crying 灯火阑珊处 可有人看见我跳舞 Under lamp light, around fires, wonder whether someone has seen me dancing
我是一只等待千年的狐 I am a fox waiting for a thousand years 千年等待 千年孤独 A thousand years of waiting, accompanying a thousand years of loneliness 滚滚红尘里 谁又种下了爱的蛊 In boundariless red dust, who has again planted a trap IN the form of love 茫茫人海中 谁又喝下了爱的毒 In endless ocean of people, who has again drunk the poison UNDER the name of love
我爱你时 你正一贫如洗寒窗苦读 When I was in love with you, you were pennyless and study hard 离开你时 你正金榜题名洞房花烛 While I left you, you were having name on the Golden Plate and getting married
能不能为你再跳一支舞 Could I dance for you once more 我是你千百年前放生的白狐 I'm your Arctic Fox born a thousand years ago 你看衣袂飘飘 衣袂飘飘 You look, flying cloth, flying cloth ...... 海誓山盟都化做虚无 Vow facing the ocean, oath in the mountain, have all gone as a void
能不能为你再跳一支舞 只为你挥别时的那一次回顾 你看衣袂飘飘 衣袂飘飘 天长地久都化做虚无
Could I dance for you once more Only for the last glance looking back at me, while you were leaving You look, flying cloth, flying cloth ...... What saying, ours as "heaven is forever, earth is eternal", are all turning into zero