garconcn2004-05-03 17:42:04
另外,推荐听听她的second night

Kate St. John的声音也许最适合在傍晚到深夜这段时间悉心倾听,所有的曲子都似乎与一个甜美清凉之夜浑然天成,浓密的欧陆浪漫风情更与时下街头喧嚣的流行音乐格格不入。
《Indescribable Night》在风格上横跨流行,爵士,民谣,古典等各个领域,而使用的乐器除了传统的流行乐三大件――吉他贝司鼓之外,还包括了钢琴,小提琴,中提琴,萨克思,长笛,管风琴,曼托林等

Indescribable Night
-Kate St. John-

A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes
The folds that lay over me no longer lie
Your infinity is revealed to me
It shines in your infinite smile

It was like a gift floating down through the dark
A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart
A feeling inside, an invisible guide
Had shown me a way to survive
Indescribable night
Indescribable night
Indescribable night
Is it you?

You and me in the circle of everyday life
Climbing through moments of death and delight
Now I’ve found my good night in the spiral of light
That shines in your intimate smile
Indescribable night
Indescribable night
Indescribable night

Sailor oh sailor won’t you be proud
To now find a light in the deadliest cloud
The wisdom you’ve found, a surrendering sound
Sings through the surrendering night
Indescribable night
Indescribable night
Indescribable night
Is it you?

夜色迷离2004-05-04 04:05:18
非常好听, 顶一下.
ydfusafu2004-11-02 00:23:14
回复:非常好听, 顶一下.
eyriuqehgh2004-11-02 00:25:09
回复:回复:非常好听, 顶一下.
vhbjkshdfj2004-11-02 00:28:06
回复:回复:回复:非常好听, 顶一下.
ytfuy2004-11-02 00:34:26
回复:回复:回复:回复:非常好听, 顶一下.
fjghadf2004-11-02 00:42:02
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:非常好听, 顶一下.