在我记忆中的作曲家和指挥家等名字中, 有几个是叫Gustav的。 不知为何, 近日刚刚过去的飓风Gustav偏偏恰巧与这些音乐家同名。那几天,每当听到看到Gustav飓风的报道除了祈望它绕道而过之外,还令我还不止一次地联想起 Gustav Holst 的著名《行星组曲》 (The Planets Suite)。 这套组曲不但其作曲者名字也叫Gustav, 而且这音乐中的排山倒海,地动山摇之气势更是远非Gustav飓风可比。
1. 火星—战争之神(Mars - The bringer of war)
2. 金星—和平之神(Venus - The bringer of peace)
3. 水星—有翼使神(Mercury - The winged messenger)
4. 木星—快乐之神(Jupiter - The bringer of jollity)
5. 土星—老年之神(Saturn - The bringer of old)
6. 天王星—魔术之神(Uranus - The magician)
7. 海王星—神秘之神(Neptune - The mystic)(附加女声合唱)
其中的第4,《木星—快乐之神》(Jupiter - The bringer of jollity)给我印象最深,尤其是中部的那段“I Vow to three My Country" 非常热情饱满,撼动人心。 记不起哪部电影还插用了这段的音符和旋律,总之这是该组曲中使我过耳不忘的音乐。
以上是Gustav Holst 的行星组曲之四《木星—快乐之神》的视频,由日本大阪爱乐乐队演奏,之所以贴它,是因为这个乐队的指挥Eiji Oue (大植英次)是我看过同名视频中最出众精彩的一位,把这些形容词罗列在一起也不能全面地形容他的指挥表演: passionate, emotional, dramatic, exciting, theatrical....。最精彩部分提示:注意听从3:07-4:55 的这段,是著名的英国爱国歌曲“I vow to thee my country”
Gustav Holst (古斯塔夫·霍尔斯特 1874-1934)是英国作曲家。他的知名代表作管弦乐組曲 Op.32《行星組曲》气势恢弘,风格非常超时代,需用超大的管弦乐队演奏。由于组曲本身及其乐队编制过于庞大,这部作品一般很少全曲演奏。 自50年代到至今,有诸多的电影或电视节目都借用其中的旋律做为主题曲或插曲。
作曲家详细介绍参看: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Holst
再单听听这个动听的爱国歌曲“I vow to thee my country ,by Katherine Jenkins
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
I heard my country calling, away across the sea,
Across the waste of waters she calls and calls to me.
Her sword is girded at her side, her helmet on her head,
And round her feet are lying the dying and the dead.
I hear the noise of battle, the thunder of her guns,
I haste to thee my mother, a son among thy sons.
And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.