Glider2008-10-18 23:08:07


LOST IN YOUR EYES (Debbie Gibson)

I get lost, in your eyes
And I feel my spirits rise
And soar like the wind
Is it love that I am in?
I get weak in a glance
Isn't this what's called romance?
And that's what I know
Cause when I'm lost
I can't let go

I don't mind
Not knowing what I'm headed for
You can take me to the skies
It's like being lost in heaven
When (and) I'm lost in your eyes

I just felt
Don't know why
Something is there
We can't deny
Ooh, when I first knew
Was when I first looked at you
And if I
Can't find my way
If salvation
Seems miles away
Oh, I'll be found
When I'm lost in your eyes

(Repeat Chorus)

I get weak in a glance
Isn't this what's called romance
Oh, I'll be found
When I am lost
In your eyes.
breeze_on2008-10-19 00:35:23
Glider2008-10-19 02:53:36
breeze_on2008-10-19 03:32:26
Forever_Young/2008-10-19 05:31:18
rayray2008-10-19 05:43:50
听过 原来
rayray2008-10-19 05:44:50
叫这个名字 去找找有没有男生版
小得2008-10-19 15:30:11
Glider2008-10-20 04:55:07
Glider2008-10-20 04:56:14
Glider2008-10-20 04:57:56