simonphoenix2008-12-03 04:19:42

(written and performed by Marty Robbins)
from the from the 1976 Columbia LP EL PASO CITY, KC 34303

From thirty thousand feet above the desert floor I see it there below
A city with a legend, the West Texas city of El Paso
Where long ago I heard a song about a Texas cowboy and a girl
And a little place called Rosa's where he used to go and watch this beauty whirl

I don't recall who sang the song but I recall a story that I heard
And as I look down on this city I remember each and every word
The singer sang about a jealous cowboy and the way he used a gun
To kill another cowboy, then he had to leave El Paso on the run

El Paso City
By the Rio Grande
The cowboy lived and rode away but love was strong he couldn't stay
He rode back just to die in that El Paso sand
El Paso City
By the Rio Grande
I try not to let you cross my mind but still I find
There's such a mystery in the song that I don't understand

My mind is down there somewhere as I fly above the badlands of New Mexico
I can't explain why I should know the very trail he rode back to El Paso
Can it be that man can disappear from life and live another time
And does the mystery deepen 'cause you think that you yourself lived in that other time

Somewhere in my deepest thoughts familiar scenes and memories unfold
These wild and unexplained emotions that I've had so long, but I have never told
Like everytime I fly up through the heavens and I see you there below
I get the feeling sometime in another world I lived in El Paso

El Paso City
By the Rio Grande
Could it be that I could be the cowboy in the mystery
That died there in that desert sand so long ago
El Paso City
By the Rio Grande
A voice tells me to go and seek, another voice keeps telling me
Maybe death awaits me in El Paso

El Paso City

埃尔帕索(EI Paso) 一译“帕索”。美国得克萨斯州最西端的边境城市。在格兰德河畔,隔河与墨西哥的华雷斯城相望,有铁桥相通。人口46.4万(1984)。西班牙人建于1827年,1848年归美国。1881年修建铁路后迅速发展成近代的工商业城市。西南矿区、牧场、灌溉农业区(棉花、蔬菜、水果)等物产的集散地。有炼铜、石油加工、食品加工等工业。城市以拉丁色彩浓厚著名,为疗养和旅游地。
xiaoxong2008-12-03 16:24:06
HAOTING! ding!
johnz0022008-12-03 17:49:37
Nice country song.
AGirlFromJaffa2008-12-04 07:14:30
El Paso, so emotional et mysterious city, a beautiful song