万家述评2009-05-13 16:50:47

ENYA:"How Can I Keep From Singing"


生命之歌绵绵长 My life goes on in endless song
悲歌一曲太空唱 above earth's lamentations,
虽然遥远却真实 I hear the real, though far-off hymn
欢呼生命有新创 that hails a new creation.

遍地骚乱和纷嚷 Through all the tumult and the strife
耳边音乐声声响 I hear it's music ringing,
灵魂和声在回荡 It sounds an echo in my soul.
叫我怎能不歌唱 How can I keep from singing?

尽管暴风怒吼狂 While though the tempest loudly roars,
我却听到真希望 I hear the truth, it liveth.
尽管周边黑茫茫 And though the darkness 'round me close,
歌声划破夜空唱 songs in the night it giveth.

风暴难撼心平常 No storm can shake my inmost calm,
我似磐石更坚强 while to that rock I'm clinging.
因为世界充满爱 Since love is lord of heaven and earth
叫我怎能不歌唱 how can I keep from singing?

暴君发抖因恐慌 When tyrants tremble sick with fear
他们丧钟已敲响 and hear their death knell ringing,
天下朋友多欢畅 when friends rejoice both far and near
叫我怎能不歌唱 how can I keep from singing?

风暴难撼心平常 No storm can shake my inmost calm,
我似磐石更坚强 while to that rock I'm clinging.
因为世界充满爱 Since love is lord of heaven and earth
叫我怎能不歌唱 how can I keep from singing?

生命之歌绵绵长 My life goes on in endless song
悲歌一曲太空唱 above earth's lamentations,
虽然遥远却真实 I hear the real, though far-off hymn
叫我怎能不歌唱 how can I keep from singing?

叫我怎能不歌唱 how can I keep from singing?


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  • yinandyang2009-05-13 17:10:44
    johnz0022009-05-13 17:52:53
    beautiful-2009-05-13 18:04:48
    歌词翻译水平高,好听的歌。 zt
    青青草-2009-05-13 21:26:48
    breeze~2009-05-14 04:04:03
    梦一生2009-05-14 06:21:01
    差点看走眼, 恩雅 也当过农奴?
    夏日最后的玫瑰2009-05-14 12:40:28