《奇异恩典》2004-06-09 12:03:37

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was blind but now am found
Was blind but now I see

It was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
´Tis grace hath bro´t me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer´s ear
It soothes his sorrows, heals the wounds
And drives away his fear

Must Jesus bear the cross alone
And all the world go free
No, there´s a cross for ev´ry one
And there´s a cross for me

amazing grace 名字翻译过来叫 《奇异恩典》,这是全球最经典十八首女声中的一首,这个“最经典”是如何评选出来的暂且不去理会,但里面十八首曲子确实首首动听,尤其这首amazing grace,当空旷的办公室里,音响忽然传出这样一种似乎来自天国的声音,心一下子被揪紧,除了耳朵其他的一切感觉器官似乎都失去了功效。
amazing grace 它的演唱者是美国六七十年代相当出名的民谣歌手裘蒂·考林斯judy collins,我想这样的声音是任何语言表达都无法企及它所带来的感受,是否可以想象一个人站在粗犷、孤寂的苏格兰高地上,一阵阵高地的风从你身上拂过,吹起头发也吹起一种无法言喻的情绪,也许是思念也许是忏悔也许是孤身一人的忧伤也或者是一种内心深深的坚持……可这还是一种无力的表达,那还是交给耳朵交给心灵,文字暂且放在一边……