yijuhua2009-10-22 21:38:17
我的夏月记忆 ☆ My Memories of Summer 2009


小雨丝2009-10-22 21:45:30
yijuhua2009-10-22 21:51:23
雨丝好 眼力 耳力 ~~: ) 谢~~
楚江2009-10-22 23:10:13
xyz10102009-10-23 02:02:29
我还以为你会贴些夏天的美景呢:) 结果是什么美图都有啊.
戏雨飞鹰2009-10-23 03:12:36
真是您自己做的?if so,100分!
yijuhua2009-10-23 04:00:14
谢 雨鹰飞至~~ :)
yijuhua2009-10-23 04:01:24
谢 来访哦~~:)
yijuhua2009-10-23 04:04:44
你点到了几个要素, not all, more.......~~
戏雨飞鹰2009-10-23 05:02:07
I 'll give you 5 stars coz
戏雨飞鹰2009-10-23 05:09:51
here is a sample. the music and transitions of pics are perfect.
戏雨飞鹰2009-10-23 05:12:53
typo: 但titile可能"不能"叫summer什么了。
yijuhua2009-10-23 06:08:49
多谢鹰鹰~~:) --->>>
戏雨飞鹰2009-10-23 16:53:48
yijuhua2009-10-23 22:46:31
you got the point, the size of the pix; that need more work on e