小西瓜子2009-11-12 16:40:54


发现自己脱离流行乐坛很长时间了,(其实是自己老了,赶不上流行了)去年开始走红的23岁纽约歌手lady gaga,
---->Playing piano by ear from the age of 4, she went on to write her first piano ballad at 13 and began
---->performing at open mike nights by age 14. At age 17, she gained early admission to the New York
---->University's Tisch School of the Arts......
---->Gaga is inspired by glam rockers such as David Bowie and Queen, as well as pop singers such as Madonna
---->and Michael Jackson.She is also inspired by fashion, which she claims is an essential component to her
---->songwriting and performances. To date she has sold over 20 million digital singles and more than four
---->million albums worldwide.---->

Poker Face

---->前不久在SNL(Saturday Night Life)看到她精湛的现场演出,想不到她能够弹那么好的钢琴,真是一个非常有天赋的艺人,我所在的国家转播不了那段演出,但是北美国家的歌迷们应该都可以看到的,这里就只有那这首《狗仔队》替代了



---->这是一天前油管才出来的新歌《变质浪漫》,曲风是一贯的lady gaga,轻松活泼,朗朗上口,很容易让人颤动脚尖。和许多歌星一样GAGA也是一个有争议和绯闻的歌手,可是她的天才不会因此而被淹没,只要是好歌,就会流传。

Bad Romance


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  • YA^^2009-11-12 18:26:07
    Ding! Support Original Tie on Lady Gaga
    linking2009-11-12 18:39:03
    回复:it is on tv fuse now.
    小西瓜子2009-11-12 23:19:38
    小西瓜子2009-11-13 00:11:03
    法国薰衣草2009-11-13 12:37:16
    Just Dance! 好清楚的MV , 谢谢可爱的小西瓜子