弓尒2010-01-02 12:51:45
哪位大侠帮忙? 预谢~:)
弓尒2010-01-02 13:46:19
歌曲名: 我寻找你美丽的陶然亭
弓尒2010-01-02 13:50:06
歌 / 乐 版 均可, 谢~!
左右开弓2010-01-02 15:24:32
新浪有,就是没法下 ---->>
左右开弓2010-01-02 15:25:22
Link ---->>
弓尒2010-01-02 16:39:31
谢 右 兄,
cfu2010-01-02 17:16:18
今夜无人入眠2010-01-02 17:17:00
今夜无人入眠2010-01-02 17:21:44
郁闷 :( 坦率的说像郑绪岚这些少林寺时代的歌手真的恐怕
弓尒2010-01-02 17:28:16
:((( /// :)))
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 17:45:32
I uploaded one for you. but the sound quality is not that good
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 17:47:09
Thanks, this one works. I are the best:):)
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 17:51:18
typo, YOU are the best:):)
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 17:56:24
cfu2010-01-02 18:06:10
What? Quality not that good?
弓尒2010-01-02 18:06:44
thanks a lot 飞鹰~:)
弓尒2010-01-02 18:07:25
thx, both YOU are the best:):)
弓尒2010-01-02 18:08:49
is the same one as you Made 4 me below ?
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 18:12:52
320K! hughug:).You are 200% the best, no doubt!:):)
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-02 18:15:04
same thing. please go to the another link cfu recommended:)
grandland2010-01-02 19:02:39
弓尒2010-01-02 19:07:40
thx, however, 咋听 怎下 ??
cfu2010-01-02 19:32:44
回复:thx, however, 咋听 怎下 ??
cfu2010-01-02 21:57:59
弓尒2010-01-03 00:00:38
this is really great, clear, complete ZXL, I 服了 cfU~:
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-03 00:44:09
戏雨飞鹰2010-01-03 00:48:18