法国薰衣草2010-03-02 13:53:47

这是一位乐迷在youtube上汇集了自己喜欢的钢琴家的录音,其中还有一些20世纪的作曲家自己演奏的录音。 当然这是这位乐迷自己的偏好,也许你喜欢的钢琴家不在里面,请不要难过。

我觉得他做的很有意思,首先对我自己来说听乐迷们谈论音乐就很亲切,首先没有什么商业因素在里面,在这10集中有些钢琴家的名字我都没听说过,听了他们的录音,我或着喜欢上他们的演奏, 这样我会去找他们的CD来听,或者我喜欢上了他们演奏的曲子,或者我对作曲家的其他曲子也会更好奇了。 列举的钢琴家里有的健在,还经常出现在世界各地的音乐厅里; 对我来说,听音乐录音是一种享受,去音乐会听音乐家现场演奏也是很难忘的, 遗憾的是这里列举的钢琴家里我只去过三位钢琴家的音乐会:Martha Algerich; Murray Perhenia; Daniel Barenboim 的, 那都是我非常美好的人生回忆。Alfred Brendel被认为是演奏贝多芬最好的诠释者之一,他2009年已经做过告别演唱会了,去Alfred Brendel是不太可能了; Mitsuko Uchida的音乐会还没去过,有机会争取去。这些大师一旦有音乐会,很多乐迷都会从世界各地专程飞来听,提前一年订票那是常有的事。 能喜欢音乐是一种幸运, 就如同酷爱足球, 下棋等一样。

另外看每一集都有其他乐迷的很有意思发言跟贴,有的说话特别诚实,一位网友在听了拉赫曼尼洛夫的演奏他自己的第三钢琴协奏曲后说,《嗯,让我斗胆地说说,我觉得拉赫曼尼洛夫的演奏他自己的第三钢琴协奏曲没有别人演奏得好呢》, 还有一位网友听了Bartok演奏自己的作品后他说《我以为bartok会弹得很火热那种,他怎么那么典雅斯文啊? 》, 另外一位说《Ravel算不上一位优秀的钢琴家》

有的乐迷说,没有绝对的最好的音乐和最好的钢琴家,每个人感受不一样,确实也是这样,而且每一代都有自己的偏好, 因为每一代人都是听着同时代演奏家的演奏和演唱一起成长,一起漫步人生的,这也是 音乐演奏家和乐迷们的一种相互陪伴,是一代人的共同的集体记忆; 可有些音乐,音乐家,演奏家是超越时代的, 大浪淘沙,被每一代人都喜欢承认的音乐 那应该是最棒的,属于人类,演奏家也是这样。


1). The series starts with a dazzling performance of Rachmaninov's 3rd Piano Concerto from Martha Argerich and the video shall continue showing off her talents as well as the talents of Idel Biret.

2).This episode includes performances from Marta Deyanova and Jeno Jando

3)The third part of the series. Including performances from Mikhail Rudy, Stephen Kovacevich and Olga Kern. Excerpts from Mikhail Rudy performing Rachmaninov's piano concerto's 1 and 3, and the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto 1. Stephen Kovacevich playing Schumann's Piano Concerto and the amazing Rcahmaninov 3rd piano concerto cadenza played by Olga Kern

4) In this episode we look at the performances of two artists who I think are major figures in the world of piano. These are Daniel Barenboim and Murray Perahia.

5) The fifth part of the series. Including excerpts from performances by two legends in the piano world: Mitsuko Uchida and Alfred Brendel

6) The sixth part of the series. Including excerpts from performances by Alexis Weissenberg and Wilhelm Kempff

The seventh part of the series. This episode will feature less known pianists. These pianists are Dmitri Alexeev, Bernd Glemser, Konstantin Scherbakov and Siegfried Stogkigt.

8) This video contains excerpts from performances by the great Russian pianist, composer and conductor, Sergei Rachmaninov.

9) The ninth part of the series. Feauturing excerpts from old performances by Bela Bartok,
Ferruccio Busoni and Claude Debussy

10) This is a rather interesting part as we hear Prokofiev, Ravel, Grainger, d'Albert and Scriabin plays their own compositions

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    谢谢! 我喜欢。收藏.
    法国薰衣草2010-03-02 17:57:06