法国薰衣草2010-03-30 12:46:37

Zhang Xiaoming 演奏钢琴

Zhang Xiaoming是Alexender Prior 去上海挑来的, 当时有四位候选人,Zhang Xiaoming还是替补别人来的,一位男孩听说不能保证被选上,临时退出,Zhang Xiaoming顶替上来竞选的,四位孩子都很优秀,一为太小才8岁,另一位是女孩,她告诉Alexender Prior 长大的志向不是当钢琴家;另外还有一位技术超强, 异常聪明,弹得飞快,能说多种语言,很多business  idea, Alexender Prior 还是最后作出很困难的决定,选中Zhang Xiaoming, 可能相比之下,音乐家更重要还是heart心吧。详见http://www.alexprior.co.uk/

Zhang Xiaoming (English name, Jack) is 10 years old and comes from Shanghai, China. It was discovered that he had a special talent for the piano whilst he was in kindergarten and so he started formal lessons from the age of 5 at the Shanghai Conservatory. Xiaoming's teacher suggested then that he should aim to become a professional and study like one.

In 2007 he started lessons with renowned concert pianist and former piano prodigy, Professor William Chen. In the same year, aged 8, Xiaoming won the Shanghai AML Piano Cup, came first place in the Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech cup and the Hong Kong 'Hailun Cup' Piano Competition.

Apart from practicing the piano for up to 8 hours a day, Xiaoming loves to play Badminton and read ancient Indian poetry. (摘自网上)

Xiaokanshijie2010-03-30 15:26:43
中华音雄出少年,顶来自中国上海音乐天才Zhang Xiaoming
左右开弓2010-03-30 18:51:22
水云间~2010-03-30 19:24:43
加国音乐2010-03-31 01:37:13
-平民百姓-2010-03-31 06:40:01
-平民百姓-2010-03-31 06:41:35
法国薰衣草2010-03-31 09:44:46
法国薰衣草2010-03-31 09:47:14
劳驾做老师来视察啦,不辛苦,我自己也学到了东西,谢谢左右开弓, 长周末愉快!
法国薰衣草2010-03-31 09:59:39
不得不赞叹!不过这些天才也付出了很多, 谢谢水云间!
法国薰衣草2010-03-31 10:08:01
法国薰衣草2010-03-31 10:12:30
平民百姓好!要劳逸结合啊, 确实Alex Prior的作曲的Velesslavitsa 很drema, 我也很喜欢
菠蜜喜shuashua2010-03-31 16:59:26