法国薰衣草2010-07-22 17:06:07

Naomi Shemer (Hebrew: נעמי שמר‎; July 13, 1930 - June 26, 2004) was a leading Israeli songwriter hailed as the "first lady of Israeli song."


Naomi Shemer (Sapir) was born on Kvutzat Kinneret, a kibbutz her parents had helped found, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In the 1950s she served in the Israeli Defense Force's Nahal entertainment troupe, and studied music at the Rubin Academy in Jerusalem. She first married actor Gideon Shemer and had a daughter, Lali. They were later divorced; she went on to marry attorney Mordechai Horowitz, with whom she had a son, Ariel.[1]

水仙花-2010-07-22 17:08:51
俺也来个草班的沙发:) 这么多内容的帖,要慢慢欣赏学习.
法国薰衣草2010-07-22 17:33:32
水仙花很会说话, 谢谢美言, 问好美丽的水仙花
lili~2010-07-22 21:43:03
哀婉动人的嗓音,感人的歌声. 谢谢草草的介绍分享!
capuchino2010-07-23 02:42:17
哀婉动人的嗓音,感人的歌声. 谢谢草草的介绍分享! -lili~-
HandsClapToesTap2010-07-23 05:37:42
法国薰衣草2010-07-23 10:09:19
谢谢lili,咖啡师傅,HCTT支持,Naomi Shemer唱的这首歌的歌词在这, 祝周末愉快!
yy8882010-07-23 14:28:44